Anonymous ID: 4efbaf Feb. 2, 2020, 3:33 a.m. No.7999968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9986 >>9991 >>0052 >>0155 >>0485


The other ones are pretty fucked up too.


Meteorite Hits Alabama, Tribulation.

Destruction of cycles

Antartica activated

a living agent of intelligence

worship god

food as a weapon

q red carpet event

and the slain of the lord shall be many

good morning holy daddy

living thought

jesus mother

heaven is a dream

rudy giuliani

took the mark of the black sun

simulated matrix

bottomless pit location

tortured soul

from joseph

a machiavellian mask

god has shined in our hearts

holy lord on earth

lebron james

i cracked the code

the light lords name

this is serious

b l a s p h e m y isnt a game

serpent has risen

worship the lord

the kennedys are here

king of this world

aliester crowley

clues hidden in the bible

synagogue of satan

talmudic theology

november sixteen

magnify the the lord

i did nothing wrong

you are the reason

a new message from god

see the hour is near

the four horsemen

confederacy of yahweh

human extinction

the alpha and omega cipher

blood over intent

star spangled banner

see you in court

cable news network

the undeniable proof

kim jong un

trump card


kurt cobain

sons of god

i talk to god

keep the faith

guardian angel


mobile phone


moon army appears

who wins in the end



God, whatever you need me to do I'll do it. I don't understand how my name can mean all of these things and it be a coincidence.

Anonymous ID: 4efbaf Feb. 2, 2020, 3:54 a.m. No.8000079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0108 >>0148 >>0485



I understand anon, but seriously, how can all of this be a coincidence. My name in gematria means about 50 things directly related to Q, the end times, and this place. Imagine you type your name in and all of that shit comes up after feeling like a group luciferians/C_A are surrounding you. Better yet, don't tell me it will be ok, tell me how this all makes sense. How it went from a post of a picture of a girl I know showing her shoulder to me looking up gematria to try and understand what the other anon was talking about, typing my name in and having it match on all of those.


How would you feel at this moment, because I don't feel awake.

Anonymous ID: 4efbaf Feb. 2, 2020, 4:26 a.m. No.8000174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0185



Yea it's probably a complete coincidence that all of the events led me to look up my name in Gematria for the first time in my life and it leads to all of these. Here are some more winners.


Michael John Avenatti

Creation of the human race

Political Propaganda

Barack Hussein Obama x3


_th Ave Manhattan New York NY

Jakob Mayer Rothschild

You Shouldn't even know who I am

Is Gods Anointed King At

Bombed San Franscisco

Psychological Warfare

US President Donald J Trump


US house of Representatives

President Agent Orange


The Federal Government


Serena Williams is a man, literally just watched a video about this today




I'm sure all this is just a coincidence.


Someone type you name in and see if you get as much weird stuff. Please tell me you do so I don't lose my mind.

Anonymous ID: 4efbaf Feb. 2, 2020, 4:32 a.m. No.8000193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0208 >>0224





>A lot of those "116" phrases seemed contrived. Did you collect them just because they were "116"?

NO they matched my name and my 1/19 is my birthday and the Epiphany of Christ. I'm not some crazy person. Trust me I don't, For almost 3 years Q has said there are no coincidences, and now all I am getting is it's just a coincidence.

Anonymous ID: 4efbaf Feb. 2, 2020, 4:42 a.m. No.8000233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0237

I think is telling me to trust the plan and worship. I'm not scared anymore, just completely freaked out. Sorry for spamming the board. I just freaked out.


I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude. I just don't know how to react to something like this. He's been knocking and I've been standing at the door with my hand on the handle, I can't deny this anymore



Anonymous ID: 4efbaf Feb. 2, 2020, 4:53 a.m. No.8000260   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As if I wasn't freaked out enough from the Gematria shit, loud ass racket in backyard, neighbors dog going nuts. Think someone is breaking in and look outside.. 2 possums are fighting to the death outside my window.


I live in the a city.

Anonymous ID: 4efbaf Feb. 2, 2020, 5:58 a.m. No.8000485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0547


Last night I told anons how I thought I had been hired by a C_A front after being doxxed on here 2 years ago. I won't go through all of it again, but there are multiple things that happened since I have worked there to lead me to believe that it is. The most recent thing that happened was when Kobe Bryant died the following day someone I work with called me and was telling that Kobe was his Idol. I told him a story of living in LA and how I had met Kobe a few times. He asked if I knew anything other celebs, I anmed a few including a girl by the name of Ashley Michealson. I had never seen her posted anywhere on here before or after. Until 2 days after the convo, this picture attached was posted with some antisemitic stuff. An anon responde with Shoulder and the gematria of it. I have never researched anything about it before so I was trying to figure out what the hell it meant. I typed in my name. These are all the conenctions to my name in Gematria. Hence why I am a little freaked out. No matter how I type my name in, First name only, First last, first middle last. Also, I don't understand what the anon was trying to say but my birthdate and triangular number are the same >>8000123











I don't now what to say other than how can this all be a coincidence??

Anonymous ID: 4efbaf Feb. 2, 2020, 6:11 a.m. No.8000566   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I don't know how much more clearly I can tell you that I'm a very ordinary living, breathing anon in Ohio who very randomly posted that.

I believe you anon, it's not the fact you posted it, it's the fact of how it was posted, when, where it led me and the matches to my name.. Before everyone assume's I'm crazy, read all the matches. It's insane, and it's to much of a coincidence for me to ignore, I in no way am accusing you of anything other than pointing me to it.