Anonymous ID: b1877d Feb. 2, 2020, 6 a.m. No.8000495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0511





Parents can't sue drug firms when vaccines cause harm, Supreme Court says


A federal law grants drug companies immunity from certain lawsuits from injuries or deaths tied to vaccines, the US Supreme Court affirmed ~~2011.


In a 6-to-2 decision, the high court said Russell and Robalee Bruesewitz’s lawsuit was preempted under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. The law grants drug companies immunity from certain lawsuits from injuries or deaths tied to vaccinations.


Remember The Infamous 2014 "Ebola Epidemic" "The Ebola Global Panidemic" or was it "The Great Ebola Hoax", "The Great Ebola Lie", "Ebola Bio-weapon manufactured virus & cure" aka "Ebola Gate":


Late 2014: Over the course of November, Ebola mentions on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC dropped 82 percent, according to a review of closed caption transcripts. Mentions on the three cable networks dipped another 35 percent in the first week of December.


The Media—-especially a cable news media — that went out of their way to amplify whatever Ebola nonsense came along, even completely inaccurate information. Then not much after the Midterms.


The Politicians—– politicians became much less concerned about Ebola after the midterm elections were over — which suggests that many of the political figures peddling Ebola-paranoia may have done so simply to win an election.


–Why Do the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Own a Patent on Ebola “Invention?”.

–Unproven Ebola Drugs Are Ethical to Use in Outbreak: Per WHO

–Clinical trial to start soon on GSK Ebola vaccine.

–Bill Gates. Monsanto in bed with DOD over Ebola can't be good (Obama's time in office)

–Vaccine Companies have immunity from prosecution (ironic)

–Globalists like WHO, United Nations & EU….etc involved with huge pushers of Vaccines.


*–The two American Ebola patients, medical missionaries Nancy Writebol and Dr. Kent Brantly, have walked out of Emory University Hospital in Atlanta infection-free. They were the first human beings to receive an experimental drug (not a vaccine) called ZMapp…connections to Fort Detrick .Aug 21, 2014**


–Is the Ebola virus in America a real threat or another false flag?

–The Ebola Virus Pandemic: “A Weapon of Mass Destruction”?

–West Africa: What are US Biological Warfare Researchers Doing in the Ebola Zone?


–American scientists controversially recreate deadly Spanish Flu virus.

–Sars Research Lab Loses 2,000 Tubes of Killer Virus.

–Bill Gates Dodges Questions on Why He Owns 500,000 Shares of Monsanto.

–At least 50 African children paralyzed after receiving Bill Gates-backed meningitis vaccine

–Canadian Doctor. H1N1 Vaccination: A Eugenics Weapon for “Massive and Targeted Reduction of the World Population.”



The two American Ebola patients, medical missionaries Nancy Writebol and Dr. Kent Brantly, have walked out of Emory University Hospital in Atlanta infection-free. They were the first human beings to receive an experimental drug called ZMapp. Aug 21, 2014

Anonymous ID: b1877d Feb. 2, 2020, 6:03 a.m. No.8000511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0535


Dr. Sanjay Gupta interviewed Gates in 2011, where ole Bill shares his giddy enthusiasm about how vaccines can help with population control. And, as expected, he debunks any link whatsoever with vaccines and autism.