<calls people stupid without rebuttle.
The Numerology in general is a system that from a relational value to Numbers that correspond to the letters of a person's name, on the date of birth or even at the date of a historical event.
The Gematria Try to find a deeper bond between numerical values and values Alphabetic. There are two basic types of Gematria; The present "revealed" in rabbinical literature over the centuries; and the "Mystic", Which is part of Kabbalah, the mystical branch of Judaism. The shape Revealed has roots in the Talmud and in the Midrash and the corresponding letters and Numerical values have often been the result of insights Prophetic.
The mystical tradition is more widely known to Because of the popularity of Kabbalah even today, and focuses on Ten Sefirot on the tree of Kabbalistic life, together with the 22 Letters of the Hebrew alphabet.