Thought re: digging for Hitler's and Merkel's bloodlines.
You know how /pol/ started off as a pretty neat place to exchange real information?
You remember how 8/pol/ was the result of a migration because 4/pol/ got incredibly cucked, shilled and moderated badly?
You remember when 8/pol/ wasn't a Nazi circlejerk and presented a honest, down-to-earth even look at current events?
You remember when the Nazi larpers suddenly started to take over?
Thought: The Nazi larping was actually part of a psyop to STOP /POL/ FROM POTENTIALLY DIGGING INTO HIS BLOODLINE. Think about it: Hitler was made into gospel and any dissent regarding his standing was banned and ridiculed.
Now, thanks to Q's prodding, this last safeguard failed and anons are digging into his bloodline and the Golden Fleece shtick. Clowns did something completely out of character for them to stop this information from spreading: they took an incredibly active part to take control, but with such limited power here, they were swiftly taken care of.
Lads, we're fucking doing it, we're getting to the truth, after all these years.