Anonymous ID: 55fa6d March 26, 2018, 12:17 p.m. No.801103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1183



Gold is valuable because of its scarcity, its vast number of industrial uses, and because it has been accepted as a monetary metal for thousands of years. Virtually everyone knows that it has intrinsic value and that's a powerful reason for owning some of it. The banksters don't want you to have any. They're hypocrites who call gold an "ancient relic"and then load up on them after they criminally suppress the spot prices in the paper markets.


I also find it interesting that gold was one of the three gifts which, we're told, were given to the baby Jesus. If it's good enough for God, it's good enough for me, it's good enough for this country to base its monetary system on, and it's good enough for anyone calling him/herself a patriot to accumulate. Gold and silver are, after all, the money of account for the United States of America, as per the Coinage Act of 1792.


Unlike gold and silver, anything denominated in fiat dollars can go to zero. A global reset is on the way because debt levels have moved into the "unsustainability zone". It's not a matter of if, it's only a matter of when, and when is coming soon, IMHO.


There has been no area of human interaction in America (and most of the world) which has been corrupted as thoroughly and completely as the money used to conduct these interactions. If a nation's money can be considered its life blood, then the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 essentially put a pack of vampires in charge of the blood bank. Congress handed them the printing press and has allowed them to steal via inflation, usury, and fractional reserve banking policies.


The believers among us already know that God is no fan of either usury or corruption of blood. The unbelievers need to wise up...

Anonymous ID: 55fa6d March 26, 2018, 12:27 p.m. No.801183   🗄️.is 🔗kun



One more thing. The Fed's 100 year charter expired in 2013 but I don't recall seeing any news about the issuance of a new charter. That would have been pretty newsworthy, don't you think?


Oh well… The MSM was probably too busy digging up a particularly salacious sex scandal or praising Obama's latest "hope and change" moment.