That's what I thought TruePundit dude has a deeper voice than AIM TP; can't stand his loudmouthed AlexJonesish interrupting skank & her nailsonachalkboardlaugh
>> 800706
SHILL ALERT Do not give it (You)'s filter & move on Abel Danger is not disinfo hates & calls all our enemies Roths Clinton Bushes Cheney et all . Exposing fuckery since 2006 about Picton Pig Farm Cannibals. Fuck You trying to lump them together nice try asshole
>> 800959
If you had changed up some of your memes you might win a few converts; but lazyfagging & scattergun clown accusations to muddy up the waters for Anons is your tell Fucko. Eat a bag of foreskins as hors d'oeuvres the follow that up with a bag of tranny dicks absolute fucking fucktard
>> 801068
Fil to the ter this stinknugget gargling baby foreskin munching turd polishing tranny ass filler. . Give it up you absolute cum guzzling brainlet
Yes but if you hijack normie tags they bleed through a bit more Anon