Incredibly useful.
Especially for the loss of appetite, from the cancer treatments. But a number of other reasons as well. Would be nice if they actually studied this shit, instead of keeping it under wraps so they can continue to test all types of newly developed chemical cocktails on people of all ages, while arresting anyone they "catch" who chooses to use natural medications and fine them thousands of dollars among and then force them into brainwashing "programs" in attempt to convince an innocent person of their "guilt", even going so far as to invoke supreme religious authority on such matters.
I hereby submit a fraction of my serious grievances with our corrupt "justice" system. Feel free to use your time machine to restore the last two decades of my life that this bull shit cost me. If you can't fucking do that, then at least restore all the fucking money these assholes stole from us, to enrich themselves for doing absolutely jack shit but to ruin a person's life for no fucking reason other than to be a fucking dick and/or bitch about it. And best consider paying us for all that fucking slave labor, disguised as "community service" that certain cities take the "liberty" of exploiting, again, so some fucking faggot gets a little more cash to siphon of the citizens to fatten a few fucking pockets