I know I sound like a fag here but here goes
I am really bummed out about Rush
Started listening to him as an 18 year old Gen X Regan kid
I am turning 50 this year
I cant stand to stay at work all day, I have to get out at lunch
Been going outside for lunch my entire adult life
…and it was spent listening to Rush making a sandwich at home or eating some shitty fast food in a parking lot or something (unless I went with a coworker and usually then it was still Rush)
I can't imagine the shitty corporate drone life without him. Always made me laugh and put into context all the stupid shit going on at work
I know he is a celebrity guy on the radio, but he has always felt like a friend to me, I always thought it would be cool to meet him and that he would know me because people like me listened to him (and for so long)
I know…stupid shit I am saying, but thanks for listening