900K small amount? Not the point.
The Chines Government would just want to get the fakes into the hands of American Feds and they would find that humorous to infect the goverment of the USA with the virus by handling/seizing fakes.
a big FU to Trump because of all the money troubles China is under due to Trump
Person to person spread with small amount of tainted bills is all that is needed.
Who handles fake money THE US TREASURY and Secret Service
If watching a movie, it would be a great addition to the storyline.
Farrell suggests Chinese counterfitting of US $1's could be for bioweapon distribution
"INTERNATIONAL FALLS, Minn. ― U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at the International Falls Port of Entry seized $900,000 in counterfeit United States currency Friday that was discovered in a commercial rail shipment originating from China."
Doc Farrell: "Thus, in this story, the counterfeiting of $1 bills is highly unusual, for it's an indicator that profit is not the primary motivation of whomever was ultimately behind the operation. But if currency were selected as the principal means of circulating as a biowarfare platform, it makes eminent sense, for $1 bills circulate widely and quickly, from the change in the grocery store line to tips given in restaurants, and so on."
sauce https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/02/counterfeit-and-coronaviru/