Anonymous ID: 04797d Feb. 3, 2020, 4:57 p.m. No.8015892   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nearly all myths and religions are stories based on the constelations, probably passed down from a much more ancient and obscured culture, their true meanings lost.


When we understand that all the world's myths, scriptures, and sacred stories (including those in the Bible) are built upon the very same system of celestial metaphor, and that we can actually verify the existence of this world-wide system of metaphor, then we should immediately realize that this shared foundation actually unites all of the world's myths. Far from being competitors or antagonists, the different Star Myths found around the world are all close relatives, teaching the same spiritual truths using the same underlying system.


They are also clearly metaphorical in nature – imparting their message in an esoteric fashion (through analogues which are usually learned and remembered before they are fully understood, much the way that Mr. Miyagi famously taught Daniel-San in the first Karate Kid movie, with the motions of "wax-on, wax-off" standing for something else, so that Daniel-San learned karate before he even fully understood that he was already learning karate).


Unfortunately, when these esoteric and metaphorical Star Myths are taught as though they are primarily literal in nature, their original message is usually badly obscured, distorted, or lost altogether (as if someone were to tell Daniel that everything he was being taught was really about waxing cars, and had nothing to do with karate, or simply never mention karate to him at all, so that he could understand what he was doing and apply it for the benefit of himself and others as necessary).


In fact when something that is esoteric is taught as though it is literal, its original message is often inverted completely. When taken literally, the stories are usually used to divide people from one another – because the characters are externalized (because they are treated as if they were historical personages) and then treated as though their actions and the lessons of their lives apply only to certain groups based on external factors.


However, when we see that those characters are actually constellations, then it is quite clear that they are not actually the physical ancestors of one or another group of people on earth – but rather that they are allegorical or metaphorical figures whose actions or stories apply in a metaphorical sense to each and every human soul: they are intended to be a picture for us to understand spiritual and invisible aspects of the universe and our life here below. When we see that these messages apply to each one of us, it actually connects us (or it should).


In this way, taking them the wrong way leads to the opposite message from what these esoteric myths are actually teaching through their celestial metaphor.


The good news is that the powerful and profound messages which have been lost or forgotten can be found again and applied – to our great benefit – as we begin to learn how to listen to the Star Myths in the language that they are actually speaking: the language of the stars.