Wrong fren, ancient history professanon here. Babylon is oldest civ…irregardless of what you've been told. Genesis was Babylon. Knew this before I became Christian. The devil can't play without revealing his hand…its all there, its everywhere.
For insight, pray and read Daniel…it encompasses more than you know. Godspeed young fren, the truth is out there
God bless
Genesis of current pagan structure. Sumeria is an altogether different subject. Sorry for the confusion, I figured you autist would make the connection. The spirit of present times has its genesis in Babylon, think blood rituals and deity schedule. They ALL have the same master…Gadriel.
Lucifer is a title…one (((he))) lost, due to his fall.
The truth is out here….the lights beginning to shine, and truth has a searing effect.
Godspeed you beautiful faggots, we're almost there
Hi satan. Nothing can stop what's coming. I'd say kys, but I know you can't …but we'll all witness your glorious end. Shadilay fkr