TYB. Rush, we know, that you know, that we are here. We love you and are praying for you. Beat this thing and then get your ass back to work Patriot. Your work is not done.
God Bless you and your family sir.
TYB. Rush, we know, that you know, that we are here. We love you and are praying for you. Beat this thing and then get your ass back to work Patriot. Your work is not done.
God Bless you and your family sir.
Then go ahead asshat……………….remove him, because if you don't? Your removal is coming. There is a nice, big, thick noose with your name on it. Tick, tick, tick
Not soon enough but I can wait. Good things do come to those that wait.
What the hell is wrong with you fucking people in Iowa who are voting, caucusing for these unAmerican, communist, socialist reprobates?
Are you so blind, ignorant or just flat out mentally inept as to cast vote for your own enslavement to government?
There is not an iotas difference between a single one of these candidates running for the democrat nomination for President. One or the other is just better at manipulating you, conning you and lying to you to take your liberty and freedom.
Can't you tell when someone is lying straight to your face, looking you right in the eye and telling how great it all is going to be? you don't think that what is happening in west coast cities isn't coming to your neighborhood?
You fucking people are pathetic. You deserve to loose everything. Especially your freedom.
Glenn is a Patriot. His outfit there at the Blaze has blackboarded these reprobates right to the tee.
Hydrogen Peroxide does work. I use it all the time.
Interesting anon. Please tell us. Why is "Sheep" used in this drop? "Double meanings"-Q
Who in the hell would willingly watch that fucking clown show? Democrat debates? Mentally ill debates is more like it. Go down to the mental ward in your town, if they still have one and haven't put them all out in your neighborhood, and watch that instead.
That Half time show last night was abject trash. I like a good look'n, sexy woman as mush as anyone else but this shit pawned off as entertainment was gratuitous and done to simply erode the culture even further. Anyone who allowed their little girl to witness this shit and thought it was okay? Will deserve what they get in 10 or 15 years.
I laughed my fucking ass off when I saw that video!!! And a well deserved respect for that damn critter!!
That thing is FEARLESS!!! LMAO!!
That Honey Badger is one bad motha………………..shut yo mouth!! I'm talk'n bout Honey Badger, but we can dig him.