Nice work!
Meh. I think she's still a puppet for someone.
We have no need for wishy washy RINO's who get to hold up legislation every damn time.
He actually fucking said this? JFC.
I seriously cannot stop laughing every time he says Chelsea Clinton is going to cure Diarreaher (how he says it, kek) in Africa.
Ok now we have a Pope slide to join the Quantum Grammar slide.
Fucking hell.
Put mine in coffee.
Ear wax removal.
Are the swimmer's ear drops alcohol? If not, put a few drops isopropyl alcohol in ear.
A few drops of olive oil.
My son (11yo) had a clogged ear off and on for months. Took him to ENT, his eardrum was pressurized and couldn't be released. To force it would hurt, so they had to put in an ear tube.
Someone posted this poll
In response to this post by the cannibal.
I don't have JLo but how about Shakira tonguing a dildo?
Whelp, the Middle East is screwed.
It's almost as if they aren't actually there to study butterflies.