Popular Youtube sailing channel Sailing LaVagabonde has been comp'd. They are hosting Greta Thunberg and her handlers on a trip across the Atlantic. Likely a "follow the wives" situation, as the main producer of the channel video content is the GF in this unmarried couple, who now have a baby. Years ago they obtained sponsorship by way of a new catamaran boat in which they sail to all the remote/glamorous locations on the ocean, while creating content. A young Aussi couple on the take. Terrific propaganda for the foul globalists behind the extremely handled, uneducated Greta character.
Curious to see the sub numbers in a day or two as others join ranks of unsubbing.
Their sub numbers were in the 1.3 million range before this Greta comp. That's after many years of video content creation, so it's not as if they have a few hundred thousand to lose.