The 7 Noahide Laws and the United States
Through gematria and numerology, we can connect these laws not only through the "official" date we adopted The Declaration of independence, but also within the name of "The United States of America" itself. I'll get to this in a bit, first some background.
"Noahide Laws" = 666 (Sumerian)
(14+15+1+8+9+4+5+12+1+23+19)x6) = 666
The Noahide Laws, also known as The Noachide Laws by the Jewish, are seven laws to be followed and observed by all humanity (jew and goyim alike), according to the Talmud.
They are as follows:
Do not deny God.
Do not blaspheme God.
Do not murder.
Do not engage in illicit sexual relations.
Do not steal.
Do not eat from a live animal.
Establish courts/legal system to ensure obedience to said laws.
"Talmud" = 17 (full reduction)
(2+1+3+4+3+4) = 17 (7th prime number)
Noahidism, the ideaology of following the Noahide Laws, is represented by the rainbow, which consists of 7 colors.
"Noahide Laws" = 37 (Septenary)
(1+2+1+6+5+4+5+2+1+4+6) = 37
"Rainbow" = 37 (full reduction)
(9+1+9+5+2+6+5) = 37
Written out, the number thirty-seven shows yet another direct connection.
"thirty-seven" = 57 (full reduction)
(2+8+9+9+2+7+1+5+4+5+5) = 57
"Noahide Laws" = 57 (single reduction)
(5+6+1+8+9+4+5+3+1+5+10) = 57
The 102nd Congress of The United States introduced a bill in 1991 recognizing the Noahide Laws as "the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded", which was signed into law by George H W Bush. As I'm about to show you, this entire bill is coded with gematria.
H.J.Res.104 — 102nd Congress
To designate March 26, 1991, as "Education Day, U.S.A."
The numbers 104 and 102 are both key to the Noahide / Noachide Laws, also known as the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, and the United States.
"United States of America" = 102 (single reduction) (3+5+9+2+5+4+10+2+1+2+5+10+6+6+1+4+5+9+9+3+1) = 102
"Seven Universal Laws of Noah" = 102 (full reduction)
(1+5+4+5+5+3+5+9+4+5+9+1+1+3+3+1+5+1+6+6+5+6+1+8) = 102
H.J. Res. 104
"The Seven Noachide Laws" = 104 (single reduction)
(2+8+5+10+5+4+5+5+5+6+1+3+8+9+4+5+3+1+5+10) = 104
"Noahidism" = 104 (NAEQ / ALW)
"Noachide Laws" 104 (NAEQ / ALW)
This is where the date numerology of the adoption of the Declaration, the first "Independence Day" comes into play.
7+4+17+76 = 104
"Jerusalem" = 104 (Ordinal)
(10+5+18+21+19+1+12+5+13) = 104
More on Independence Day in regards to occultism and Judaism outlined in this post, but I'll recap that shortly.
Israel chief rabbi: Non-Jews ‘should not live in the Land of Israel’