Anonymous ID: cec97b Feb. 3, 2020, 6 p.m. No.8016458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6513

>>8015524 (lb)


Not true Eridu, and Ur were settled first long before babylon

Ur is also where Abraham learned of God and was chosen to be taught what was missing from human memory and had been corrupted by early humans who were offspring hybrids of the nephalim.

He fixed and expanded on the creation story which exactly describes modern sciences framework and order for the terraforming of this planet.

Life started in the sea-mankind last...


Abrahams second wife Ketura was a midianite (Saudi Arabia) and he taught her who taught her people and they were the ones who taught Moses when he was exiled in Midian for forty years. The Mountain of God is still there and they have made sure it is still there and exactly how Moses left it.


Oh and they found and recovered the mummified body of Cain from a glacier.

Crazy that he had proof of advanced farming (from Abel) and more advanced hunting tools than previously believed and also amazing his body was preserved.


Tatoo markings which were supposed to stop anyone from killing him. He even still had the fatal arrow wounds from the blind archer.

Brad Pitt has the tatoo unironically.


I wonder if viable DNA strands have been extracted and used for stuffs.


Inb4 muh babylonian creation story is older; it is also incorrect and incomplete.

All humans knew of God in Pre written history.

It was corrupted or forgotten by design by evil spawn of the Fallen much as religion can be misused and perverted today.

Some is truly Evil, some stems simply by humans nature to keep what they like and throw out what they don’t and keep the herd docile, or make money.

The Israelites by the time Yeshua came, most believed they were doing it the way it had been always done and resented some homeless guy telling them they were doing it wrong.

Incidentally Christians today who know nothing about their Faith and sacrifice Evangelism and good Music on the alter as a trade off for obedience, mercy, justice etc are no different from the Jews.


What will Christians do when the Gospel has been preached to the ends of the Earth and the end draws near as He judges His churches first?