Anonymous ID: 05e264 Feb. 3, 2020, 6:58 p.m. No.8017031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7063

Has someone done the math on 0 deltas yet?


Going off rough estimates:


Trump has tweeted exactly 12909 times since Q started posting


There are 3800 Q posts (nov 2019)


Days since Q started posting: 828


Averaging to roughly 15 POTUS tweets




Averaging to roughly 4.5 Q posts per day


since Q started posting.


Lets say we consider anything within 60 seconds (one minute) of another a zero delta


ignoring things like more active posting hours, the probability that Q and POTUS post within one minute of another, on any given day, on average, is:


Probability that POTUS posts during any 60 second interval: 15/1440


Probability that Q posts during any 60 second interval: 4.5/1440


Probability that both happen at the same time for any given 60 second interval:




Times 1440 to get the probability of it happening on a given single day:


(154.51440) / (1440*1440)


Times 828 to get the probability of it happening since the time Q started posting:


(154.51440828) / (14401440)


Results in an estimate of around 38 expected zero deltas in a 828 day period.


Does anyone know the number of confirmed zero deltas?


Also any mathfags want to check my math, might be wrong.

Anonymous ID: 05e264 Feb. 3, 2020, 7:04 p.m. No.8017109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7144



Yes, because I have yet to receive more infos. If we get a source of confirmed 0 deltas and it is significantly higher than the estimate that would make a great Q proof, wouldn`t it?