Anonymous ID: 988ed5 Feb. 3, 2020, 7:03 p.m. No.8017107   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If spammers kill forums, why are these ones still here? 🤔

If flooding is allowed, are we expressing our free thoughts + opinions, or our manipulated frustrations? 🤔

As we know beyond doubt the IRGC (a foreign terrorist group) is behind these attacks, why are they protected by Free Speech laws? 🤔

Would you extend the Freedom of speech to a repeat offending child rapist, without a system of Law in place to keep them from luring children in chat rooms? 🤔

Where is our system of law, the protects us from abuses of Free Speech? 🤔

If this board to mirrors America and her glorious Free Speech, does this board mirror her glorious system of Law as well? 🤔

If they cannot control who posts here or what's shown to others, are there other ways to manipulate users to be censored as they desire? 🤔

As we know the abusers on our board embed MKUltra tier subliminals in their pictures, is our ability to express ourselves without censorship intact? 🤔

If they have the same access (You) do, does that censorship take place through images posted? Text written? 🤔

If this manipulation has run for awhile now, and it has, are we manipulated out of key positions? 🤔

Is the Baker a key position? 🤔

How important is this board? Is the world watching? 🤔

Anonymous ID: 988ed5 Feb. 3, 2020, 7:08 p.m. No.8017151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7183

Awareness is the first step~

The tensions in Iran parallel the desperate frustrations of the [IRGC] posters here.

Coincidence? 🤔


Information Warfare: Closer than you know

creepbot (Names have been altered as an antidote to their effects. His original name looks like a creep with its finger/dick entering an asshole) [Once you see it, it can't be unseen 🤣]:[m4xFAILr3sdECLOWNfault]*SNIP,=SEXURE😇,eSAFE \_ヾSNIP(ᐖWOMPWOMP😂◞ )[LIMPG4YCLOWNPr0nBANISHB0T]SNIP,=SEXURE😇,eSAFE \_ヾSNIP(ᐖWOMPWOMP😂◞ )DANsnipNALsnipINGsnipUS5 picture I.jpg II.jpg III.jpg *IIII.jpg poster, and govern/key/heal1/2/3.jpg posters are internal parasites; Psychological rootkits. Extensions/sources of MOCKINGBIRD we see in the media, are at their most raw here. Now.


He has been a part of the hivemind for so long we think what he says comes from within us, thus, his words aren't assessed by our minds as 'other'.

They're seen to be "our own". This is a sick form of censorship and control.

A key point in advertising is to convince your their message is coming from within, an internal desire that needs to be satiated.

Otherwise the message will be rejected, and rightfully so.

They are the enemies rootkits in our hivemind, and those seemingly random words/pictures/memes have grown into beliefs and neuro-networks in our minds.

The constant proximity to a predator/someone insisting they belong in us keeps us in 'fight or flight' mode. It keeps our mind from accessing its facilities of higher reasoning.


They use these rootkits to change how we think, how we feel, how we act. To silence our own original ideas. To censor us from our loved ones and friends. To quiet the Great Awakening.

Filter+ so you free yourself from their entrainment of control. So you may add your unique insights to our understanding[Enter as a Name filter] ^(?!(Anonymous$|Q$|Ron$))[Enter as a Name filter] ([])=,eThey have been posting gore + anal subliminals every hour of every day, for the last three years, and were caught posting CP in the past. I suspect they're still putting CP in their images 🤮.


This common theme of demasculinization through anal/homo spam (by all their masks) is an agenda to force us into submission.

To accept whatever the clowns want us to think.

To jam our Identify Friend or Foe Instincts.

We reject their disgusting desires~


Remember well, that the same network resources (IP's) that creepbot posts from, are utilized by those that spam alljoos = bad, allmasons = bad, earth = flat, 'CANNOT THANK', 5 picture I.jpg II.jpg III.jpg IIII.jpg poster, govern/key/heal1/2/3.jpg poster, bakers, 'nightshift', and 'warning newfags'.


Why have these major themes remain unchanged in the past three years?🤔

Which country is currently owned by dark forces who rage against Israel existing, who want us in a state of submission, who use what has evolved out of MKUltra programmig.

🤔I🤔R🤔G🤔C🤔 Iran.

Why are they all coming from those who seek to keep us censored?🤔


Filter+, Report, and tell others. Do all that's required to remove these rootkits of censorship from our hivemind