>>8016662 thanks for the fresh bake
So, what gives anons?
Nothing but rumblings so farโฆ
>>8016101 (PB)
>It wasn't the impeachment trial that shut down. It was the 3 days of 10 minute speeches each Senator was to give to explain why they are voting one way or the other. This was what Schumer (and Nancy) demanded. This is what the Republicans agreed to.
>4-6 hours today, all day tomorrow and Wednesday before the final vote. It was the heart of the dem/media machine's effort. It 10 minute speeches began, there were 5 or 6 then Senators left the chamber.
>Why? Nobody knows. Nothing (so far) has leaked. But, this is notable af. What happened? Anon doesn't know. But anon knows
>>8016487 (PB)
>What went down was that the speeches started, then suddenly all the Senators trickled off the floor over a period of about 10 minutes. Then the speeches stopped 5 minutes later, all with no explanation.
>Then McConnell came to the floor, visibly shaken, made some announcements for the SOTU and Senate business the next day and that only 2 more Senators would give speeches to end today. Then he left, quickly. 5 minutes later Murkowski gave a speech and nobody else did.
>Something happened big today and it stopped the Senate in it's tracks.
>clapping for the last 17 years
>The large male was filmed striking its flippers together off the coast of the Farne Islands, during the breeding season in 2017.
Why report on this 2 days ago, from 2017?
I wouldn't know where the Farne Islands are if someone put a map in front of me.
Is this fucking pinnipediaite trivia night or whut?