Anonymous ID: ed2e7b Feb. 3, 2020, 6:47 p.m. No.8016904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6946 >>7028 >>7157 >>7221



As this is a research board, we accumulate and post articles, posts, tweets and documents, as distinguished by speculation, hypothesis and option or theories.


BAKERS work very hard to keep the base information in shape and collect "notable" posts, of the type listed above. This is no small feat when there is high participation (many posts quickly) and especially when Q posts. These fine people dedicate their time and attention here to facilitate the work we do, so it's important to help them help us.


'Notables in general

Notable posts are a great way to quickly catch up on what anons have found in the "news" (doesn't mean we believe it but it's good to know what the opposition are saying/promoting), connections and dig results of anons' work, hypothesis and proofs, etc. Some aggregator sites include Notables so that the wider public can keep up on what we do without actually coming here AND so that anons can check back to see what was already dug so we don't duplicate efforts and can take a dig further or expand a hypothesis.


For that reason, there are some basic standards of what is notable.


Notable posts

Articles, charts, tweets and other factual information need to have SAUCE, that is a link to it's source. No sauce, no notable!

Sauce for a tweet should include the link to the tweet and a link to the article it is referencing.

Screencaps are good as well as the original link, and even better with an ARCHIVE link (because the Memory Hole is actually real).


How to archive?

Just plop the link into (in the red box, click save button) or at and voila! It is saved for posterity - it really is that easy and fast. Almost no effort on your part and keeps the bastards from deleting or changing things and being sneaky.


Calling out/Nominating Notable posts

In order for the baker to easily see it's good to include the post link, a short title and underneath that (or above it) in red text


Some bakers use the nifty Baker's Tools script which visually colors each post with the word "notable" but some do not.

Calling out a notable post with a photo of a room with no table is going to get missed, or some clever mispelling of the word will likely not be seen and therefore missed. In order to ensure the Baker's see your notable, just take a minute to help them out.


Why some posts are not notable

If a post includes parts of an article with no link, speculation with no backup info, linking to some various social account that you may like but is not proof in and of itself, it will likely not make it as a notable. In order to ensure that the notables include quality, information rich content, SAUCE MUST BE PRESENT. It is not reasonable to expect the baker to chase down the sauce for what you posted, they are working on other things, it's your responsibility to do that.


Please take the extra minute to help out the Baker - include sauce (link, archive, screenshot) and make a notable nomination easily visible to the baker.


Thank you all


Anonymous ID: ed2e7b Feb. 3, 2020, 6:58 p.m. No.8017028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7047 >>7157 >>7221


>Here I think his [Grassley] voice showed a bit of his age.

I notice that ,too.

>Her [Murkowski] speech turned good when she started explaining the two sides.

It seemed to me that she said what she had been wanting to say but couldn't (maybe more free now).



I hadn't even seen your posts, but it has been bothering me too, so… I just had to >>8016904 because I don't bake here but have baked elsewhere and anons need to take some responsibility here and step up.

Love our bakers!

Anonymous ID: ed2e7b Feb. 3, 2020, 7:02 p.m. No.8017084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7125 >>7383


You were already told the explanation last thread -

Senate starts at 9 am, regular business, time allotted to Majority & Minority leaders. POTUS will give SOTU (not attend impeachment nonsense) at the appointed time.

POTUS, to repeat, is not going to attend impeachment nonsense.

McC is not breaking any law, maybe you should re-listen carefully to what he said the schedule for tomorrow will be, because youve been told twice now.

Anonymous ID: ed2e7b Feb. 3, 2020, 7:08 p.m. No.8017147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7259


You are doing your part. Sometimes I understand what you post, others I don't and that's okay too.

I still didn't ever finish the Maccabees/Forester dig… kek though I did suddenly notice a Woodmen of the World facility in a nearby city I've driven past many times and never noticed before…

So even though others give you shit, I want to thank you. Even if you see things (like the numbers stuff) that I can't understand, you did help me understand how to see this analogically and it was very, very helpful. I wish others paid a bit more attention because you are clearly very intelligent and onto something.

Anonymous ID: ed2e7b Feb. 3, 2020, 7:21 p.m. No.8017297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7329


Good point!


>Nigerian scam is real!

My sides!!


Some of us are trying really hard. As usual, ignore the ones that aren't, and step up and contribute something yourself :) What have you got for us?


Thank you, voice of sanity. Once or twice is fine, every single thread and obsessing over it… eh… no thanks.


The woman released from prison, a former foster kid being treated as an equal. Can you imagine how those people experienced receiving just basic dignity and respect, which they had never before experienced?


That is the Great Awakening right there

Anonymous ID: ed2e7b Feb. 3, 2020, 7:31 p.m. No.8017396   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I guess I'm at my limit - I listened to all the "house managers'" BS and the other days, too, so thank you for taking one for the team and watching the Iowa caucus
