Anonymous ID: e039d8 Feb. 3, 2020, 8:05 p.m. No.8017778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7798 >>7804 >>7901 >>7953 >>7971


What Happens To The Families Of The [[[Cabal]]]?


  1. Once the Cabal is neutralized, and all the Israel-First Dual Shitizens in our Federal and State Government will be prosecuted for Treason, Bribery etc. and hopefully, Executed.


  1. Jew Owned and Mossad controlled MSM is neutered, Truth about 9/11 and other Zionist Crimes against America floods out to the American public.

Hopefully, we will have a Truth TV Network to replace the MSM, and Patriot controlled Social Media.


  1. Safest place for the Cabal is inside a prison cell.


  1. What about their families and smaller minions?

For example, when Adam Schitt and Chuckie Schumer is convicted in a military Tribunal at GITMO, what happens to their families?


The wives and offspring may not have committed the crimes, but they are certainly living a Luxe lifestyle from all the $$$money fraudulently stolen from We, The People.


  1. They will not be able to live above ground in any of their luxury estates nor multi-million $Dollar apartments, because they will be SITTING DUCKS—

Thirty percent of U.S. adults say they personally own a gun, while a larger percentage, 43%, report living in a gun household.



80 Million Angry and Armed Goyim hunting [[[them]]] down


  1. They will not be able to live underground in their Luxury Condos either because Patriots in the Military have access to Ground Penetrating Radar, (Drones & Satellite) and will find all their underground Hideouts.

Ex.: In rich Switzerland, many of those scenic Tyrolean style houses have many floors built underground into the mountain. How many floors they have is a status symbol among that set.


  1. The Rising of their Servants: every chauffeur, maid, plumber, pool boy, gardener, electrician, pilot, bodyguard, nanny, masseur, hairdresser KNOWS who and where they are.


  1. Every one of [[[them]]] and their relatives will be Doxxed.

Most rich families are very discrete, some even hide the identities of their spawn.

For example, only a few members of the Rothschild clan is known to the public, but they have many family members who we don't know of ….. yet.


  1. ALL their money, property and valuables will have to be Confiscated by the US Government. and somehow redistributed to We, The People.

I don't think there's any other way the relatives of the Cabal will be allowed to live— unless they relinquish every valuable they possess.


They can plead that they were born into it and had no choice, fine, but they cannot be allowed to enjoy the Ill-gotten Mega Wealth that they hold from the Criminal Activities that their wealth is sourced from.

Anonymous ID: e039d8 Feb. 3, 2020, 8:12 p.m. No.8017842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7962


you Jewish clowns didn't get the memo that the Goyim 98% of America think that 666 Chabad Jared Kushner is a Traitor.


and his eyebrows are getting tweezed thinner and thinner by the week.

I predict that after the Trump landslide election this November, that

666 Chabad Israel-First Jared Kushner will COME OUT as Transitioning.