Anonymous ID: aca903 Feb. 3, 2020, 9:47 p.m. No.8018711   🗄️.is 🔗kun


February 2, 2020

Victor Rothschild was a “Soviet” Agent

Filed under: Uncategorized — mothman777 @ 2:34 am


Victor Rothschild was a “Soviet” Agent


Comment by mothman777;


See how Natty Rothschild instigated WWI and ultimately, WWII, along with Churchill, his agent.


WWI was, I reckon, intended only to smash Germany because Germany was the only country strong enough to stop a Jewish Bolshevik takeover of all of Europe coming from a now Jewish-controlled Russia, with previous attempts to instigate both WWI in 1905 and the Bolshevik Jewish terrorist takeover of Russia in 1905 both having failed, with successive attempts only then succeeding in 1914 and 1917 respectively.


Never mind the superficial explanation offered by some, like Churchill, that the pursuit of mere money was responsible for war on Germany due to Germany’s more advanced methods of production that made German products better and cheaper than those of Britain, because Britain had not bothered to invest in technological research the way that Germany had.


One does not destroy an entire nation, just like the Russian Christian people had just been largely destroyed by the same Godless Jewish thugs, and then set out to physically exterminate another entire people in Germany, merely because they make motor cars better and sell them at cheaper prices, as Churchill ‘privately’ ‘confessed’ was the supposed real reason for WWI and WWII, to finish the job of destroying Germany that had been supposed to have been finished off in WWI.


The other reason was to destroy the cream of the German genome, that would otherwise continue to manifest far too many good qualities for the liking of the Jews, qualities that would enable the continued self-determination of the German people.


The manifestation of any such qualities in any people are only seen by rabbinical authorities to warrant physical violence against such a people as the Germans, as Jews consider that they are created to rule over all other peoples, who are only created to serve them as slaves.


The Jews wish only to inflict dysgenics or malgenics upon all other races and peoples, keeping all other races and peoples ill-bred and fit only to serve effectively as slaves to the Jews.


Only Germany was large enough and organised enough to have been able to stop the Jewish-controlled Bolsheviks sweeping through Europe after the Jews took over Russia, so it was decided that the Germans had to be destroyed, so a totally insane, totally hysterical campaign was mounted in several nations to ensure that all Germans should be physically killed, when of course, the real idea was that the Jews would be getting on with their several thousand-year-old war plan to kill every other thing that breathes, as in Deuteronomy 20:16, restated in the Zohar, that all Gentiles in the entire world were only created to serve the Jews, that they are all only to be enslaved, then ultimately exterminated and sent to hell, leaving the Jews alone on their own private world devoid of all other humanoid life, exactly as Hitler predicted in Mein Kampf that the world would be if the Jews were ever to succeed in carrying out their ultimate plans, with Earth then left just a ball of rock spinning through space inhabited by no truly humanoid life any longer, just the Godless and demonic Jews.


Read; Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War. Hardcover – September 1, 2014


by Gerry Docherty (Author), Jim MacGregor (Author), and;


Prolonging the Agony: How The International Bankers and their Political Partners Deliberately Extended WWI


by Jim Macgregor, Gerry Docherty

Anonymous ID: aca903 Feb. 3, 2020, 9:50 p.m. No.8018730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8743

RT America Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.


•Feb 1, 2020





Children's Health Defense

8.25K subscribers

RT America interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman of Children’s Health Defense. RFK, Jr. discusses the problems with HPV vaccine clinical trials and the subsequent cervical cancers in the generation that first got the shot, Julie Gerberding, lack of CDC-FDA regulatory oversight, “anti-vaxxers”, pharmaceutical industry corruption and more!

Anonymous ID: aca903 Feb. 3, 2020, 9:51 p.m. No.8018743   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the Stunning Corruption in the Vaccine Industry that has Killed Hundreds of Thousands of Americans


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. gives a blockbuster interview about the vaccine industry and its capture of regulatory agencies including the Center for Disease Control and the UN’s World Health Organization. All of the 72 vaccines mandated for children are produced by four companies: Merck, Sanofi, Pfizer, and Glaxo-Smith Kline. No vaccine ever has been safety tested with a real placebo. He says the CDC functions as a vaccine company with a budget of $11- billion per year. $5-billion is spent on buying vaccines at inflated prices. The CDC approves vaccines, buys them from their manufacturer friends, and then forces 78-million people to use them even though they have never been tested for safety. In addition to making $60-billion per year selling vaccines, the companies make an additional $500-billion selling medications for diseases the vaccines cause. (Note: if you are in a hurry, skip ahead to the 7:45 minute marker) -GEG