Anonymous ID: c7601c Feb. 4, 2020, 4:44 a.m. No.8020299   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The first, entirely wood, Goetheanum burned down, the photographs which remain attest to its uncanny beauty. While the world has become ever more confused and conflicted in the mirrored halls of materialist realities "spiritual science" has continued to develop the Spirit and the power of the individual rational soul.


Steiner's book "Knowledge of Higher Worlds and their Attainment" lays out clearly the methods used to safely develop the rational soul inherent in all human beings and is available free in most digital formats.

"Knowledge of Higher Worlds…" describes methods which allow us to separate thought,feeling and will, thoroughly confounded in most materialist views.

"Spiritual science" according to Steiner, is just that, a science, obedient to logic and which allows any honest individual prepared to make the effort to obtain direct experience of metaphysical reality and to escape the satanic and Ahrimanic matrix of materialist illusion.


Steiner clearly separates two forms of evil which oppose the view of reality taught by Jesus Christ; the satanic and Ahrimanic entities which now contend for control of humanities future in radical disobedience to God's will.


Steiner should not be confounded with contemporary occultists like Alice Bailey, Helena Blavatsky and others usually described as 'anthroposophists."

The Blavatsky/Bailey 'anthroposophic' views share elements with Steiner's 'spiritual science' but they included luciferian/satanic and ahrimanic deceptions intended to guide and control the future spiritual development of mankind.

Steiner clearly and logically shows how individual moral and mental development gives direct personal experience of the Divine powers.

Anonymous ID: c7601c Feb. 4, 2020, 5:47 a.m. No.8020493   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Ada" (named for Ada Lovelace the first programmer) Hilldawg's 200 million dollar "app" or sometimes described as a "super computer"

the tech was supposed to be the heart of Hilldawg's presidential campaign.


>Now we can add Ada, the Hillary Clinton campaign algorithm master to the list of technology delusions of grandeur:


>Ada is a complex computer algorithm that the campaign was prepared to publicly unveil after the election as its invisible guiding hand. Named for a female 19th-century mathematician — Ada, Countess of Lovelace — the algorithm was said to play a role in virtually every strategic decision Clinton aides made, including where and when to deploy the candidate and her battalion of surrogates and where to air television ads — as well as when it was safe to stay dark.


>Clinton's data-driven campaign relied heavily on an algorithm named Ada. What didn't she see?

>Inside Hillary Clinton's campaign, she was known as Ada. Like the candidate herself, she had a penchant for secrecy and…


>Obviously, Ada didn’t work, although her design might have been excellent. Most likely Ada’s mistakes were the garbage in, garbage out variety, which is always a problem with predictive programs. In the case of political campaigns, if one doesn’t have enough experience or wide enough perspective to make solid assumptions, then no program will work, no matter how well designed.


>And the Clinton campaign had perspective problems.


>For instance, they consistently misjudged Clinton’s appeal to women and who might help Clinton with women. Recall the Gloria Steinem incident when she went on late night TV and claimed that young Democratic women liked Bernie Sanders because that’s where the boys are. (Note, too, that Steinem’s claim on women getting more radical as they get older is likely wrong.)

Anonymous ID: c7601c Feb. 4, 2020, 6:01 a.m. No.8020527   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Adam Schiff's daughter, Alexa, is, or at least was, dating Eric Ciaramella and tweeted out a photo several years ago as proof.


'I will not dignify those smears': Schiff shuts down question on aide with ties to alleged whistleblower"