Anonymous ID: a728e2 Feb. 4, 2020, 9:54 a.m. No.8022105   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q Stepped In To Reverse Bias by Baker rgb re: Burisma's boss Ukraine Jew Igor Kolomoisky


Baker rgb will not Notable any Post that sauces and shows Jewish Cabal Crimes and Israel's Subversion. because she is Jewish. (self admitted last year, and loves Jared Kushner)


Most recent example was Fri. night. 1/31/2020

An anon posted a link to a NY Times article re: Ukraine is the only state outside of Israel that has Jewish heads of state and government.


I nominated it for Notable.

rgb ignored the Nomination. 


1:45 am. So I dugg into it, sauced it with moar sauces about Zelensky, and found that Igor Kolomoisky Has a Controlling connection to Burisma.


I then posted it as:Is Ukraine Becoming the new Israel of the Balkans?


Burisma had made $$$Big payments to the sons of Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry and Mitt Romney.


Saucing Igor Kolomoisky as the Oligarch who Controlled the Burisma Board, and is known for major corruption would be an important clue to any reasonable Anon in regards to the Ukraine criminal activities of the Congress swamp.

From the Obama administration to now.


Baker rgb ignored a post with plenty of sauce. I re-posted it around 2:26 am.

rgb ignored it twice.


Sat. 2/1/2020 Q#3819

9 hours later, Q posted at 11:17 am.

[Read] the 2 articles re: Debbie Murcasel-Powell, Kolomoisky


Q wrote "Well done, Anons".


>Who do you think Q was referring to?


After Q's post at 11:17 am, many Anons jumped on it and did great diggs into Kolomoisky, better than I did.


But if Q hadn't posted the 2 articles re: Powell, impeachment and Kolomoisky, this important piece of the US Corrupt Politicians - Ukraine Crime Puzzle would  have been entirely MISSED.


All because baker rgb ignored my digg re: Zelensky and Igor Kolomoisky's Corrupt Burisma ties and $5.5 Billion Fraud.




Because I truthfully noted that Igor Kolomoisky is Jewish, with a triple Ukraine-ISRAEL-Cyprus Citizenship.


I think this is a case of Q stepping in because Q saw that baker rgb ignored a relevant digg into Kolomoisky, due to her obvious personal Jewish religious Bias.


ThanQ to Q!

and ThanQ to all the bakers!

Anonymous ID: a728e2 Feb. 4, 2020, 10:06 a.m. No.8022210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2233 >>2281 >>2702



Vanity Fair, Jan. 29, 2020


The first son-in-law has warned Palestinians not to “screw up this opportunity” at peace that he’s so graciously given to them.


Kushner, ever the real estate agent, gave a speech in which he spoke of transforming the Gaza Strip into a tourist destination, failing to mention Israel and Egypt’s 12-year blockade of the Hamas-controlled territory, in addition to Israel’s 52-year-long occupation of the West Bank, which restricts trade and labor movements.


When the Boy Prince of New Jersey touched on politics, it was to offer the savvy take that if everyone just stopped “doing terrorism,” it would “allow for much faster flow of goods and people.”


Not surprisingly, the whole thing was panned by experts, one of whom described Kushner’s plan as “the Monty Python sketch of Israeli-Palestinian peace initiatives.”


Undeterred, Kushner got on a call with Arab and Israeli reporters and, putting on his salesman cap, explained that his vision was 100% workable if Palestinian leadership would stop being so “hysterical and stupid.”


Kushner: If they screw up this opportunity—which, again, they have a perfect track record of missing opportunities—


>if they screw this up, I think that they will have a very hard time looking the international community in the face, saying they are victims, saying they have rights.


Don’t worry, there’s footage of Kushner making this statement, so it can be played back for all eternity:



Anonymous ID: a728e2 Feb. 4, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.8022351   🗄️.is 🔗kun



That will change when the Jew Owned MSM is dismantled, and hopefully, Q team will have a Truth TV Network.


The brainwashed public will come around once they are shown the Truth.


Jews will not Control the Narrative for much longer

Anonymous ID: a728e2 Feb. 4, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.8022819   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In your image, the multi armed thing IS the

Legion of Devils.


Superimposing a similar image onto POTUS is actually an MK attempt to combine him with the Legion of Devils that Christ is casting out.


Not a Christian thing to do…