>>8023414 (lb)
great vid from last bread I thought I'd bring over for eyes that missed it. I also had to correct thee YouTube poster's title (below):
Titled: Homophobic Iowa caucus-goer learns her candidate, Pete Buttigieg, is gay
Mr response:
"You got the title wrong. Homophobia is fear of homosexuals. That's generally attributable to liberal cucks who are afraid to call sin what it is… sin. This lady isn't afraid to speak the truth…woefully uninformed about the guy for whom she's voting, but once she hears about his same-sex marriage, she doesn't shrink or shy away into the confines of the left's PC box where we dare not speak offensive truths. She politely calls a spade a spade. There's no "phobia" in that. "Phobias" are antithetical to such behavior by definition."