just had my first red stag… got some corn dogs almost ready in the oven… it's bout to be a fun night!
just had my first red stag… got some corn dogs almost ready in the oven… it's bout to be a fun night!
>"Aren't you tired of winning?"
the correct answer to that statement would be 'i don't get tired'
it's #b52uesday… get it right.
just kiddin'.
put some love in dem tacos…
and we will see you back in a few.
thank you for your dedication and sacrifice!
I mean that beyond words!
sold… can you frame it for me?
Iowa is a MAJOR (turnkey) state when it comes to our elections…
just like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Minnesota, and Michigan.
they were considered [D] strongholds for YEARS… until Trump came along.
if we get good news in Iowa, FL AND Michigan (which we did) AI/predictive programming data will tell you its inevitable 2020 is ours.
when I say turnkey, I just mean those states determine which way the election goes for the entire country
she overdosed… literally almost died.
we're just happy she's alive and ABLE to sing the anthem.
its not fake… it just wasnt a professional event, there wasn't a military flag to stand at attention to… and DJT is just a real life regular human.
I'm glad he isn't the type to 'take off his cowboy hat for prayer'.. it's as if he realizes who the ONE TRUE GOD really is…
>I for one hope Trump loses just so I can shove it in all your stupid faces.
promise you won't post until that happen, loser?
[deserves a topkek medal]
I'll be back @ 9
yall got any last minute tippy top speech recomendations?
take it or leave it…
im not dan.