I've been telling everyone they're going to run Buttass. I guarantee they'll run him. Why? Bloodlines, nigger.
Yup, Jeff Koons is the father and Philippine De Rothschild is the mother. Screenshot this.
I wouldn't know about the Malta connection, but that faggot Fuckerberg is the son of Nathaniel Rothschild, too by the way.
Lee Harvey Oswald's real name was (((Alek Hidell))) and Jack Ruby's real name was (((Jack Rubenstein))). The missing I in C_A is ISRAEL.
The "Muh Joo" shilling is to make any criticism of the jews look bad. That's why their poss are always canned and look like bot posting. Its supposed to look that way. Fucking kikes.
Am I the only one who thinks C_A isn't just implying that the intelligence isn't there, but that the real I stands for Israel?