Almighty God, Heavenly Father, Creator of all things good and light and wondrous, we humbly beseech Thee. Bless us with Your Wisdom, Your Strength, and Your immense knowledge, that we may defeat Your enemies on this Earth. Grant Your Peace to members and operatives of the Q Team, that they may sleep well each night, and wake refreshed for each new day. Most of all, bless our POTUS, FLOTUS their staff, and their family in these most difficult times. In the name of Your only begotten son, Jesus Christ, we do pray to You. Amen.
Waiting for us to realize we've gotta do it ourselves, and stop waiting for someone to say it first. WE are the keystone, anons. US. Those of us here.
Shout it from the fucking rooftops, #EndTheFed!!!!!