>>8030989 pb
We haven't gotten lock her up.
I'm not arguing in favor of not voting for him. I don't really know what his promises were. Unless the GOP nominee was as bad as another Bush, I would've voted for the GOP nominee, Hillary = Lock Her Up, and definitely vote against her. Does that mean that I want a wall? Not really. If they could figure out a way to get rid of the existing illegals, and figure out a different way to keep the illegals out, I'd be perfectly fine without a wall. And if Trump wasn't a protectionist at all, I'd be fine with that.
But we're getting censored. And Trump is doing nothing about it. This censoring didn't start until Trump, and Trump has done nothing about it.
The Democrats (and Republicans, too) have been making the laws worse for decades and decades and decades. My whole life. Is Trump going to make the laws better? So, far, no, not really. There is decades and decades of shit law that Trump could be tweaking and removing. We've given $38 Billion to Israel and an executive order to combat antisemitism, and we're getting censored. Big, shit, companies are being allowed to get bigger and bigger, buying other companies, instead of being apart.
Things always get worse, things have been getting worse under Trump. I'd guess things would've gotten even worse if HIllary was in there. So, it's not as bad as it would've been if Hillary was there.
But I'm tired of taking losses and calling them wins. Impeached but not removed from office, not really a win, exactly, and beyond that, it isn't a win for me, sure, having Trump continuing to be Prez is good, but he hasn't been getting wins that benefit me. Soros is still there, and we identified him as worst of the worst in November 2017. Huma and Podesta, less important, but still, not in prison, as promised kinda a long time ago. And all the new stuff that's popping up like the censorship with the internet, which isn't being addressed at all.