IT Is Written in The stars, It is written in the scriptures of the ancestors, written on our hearts that we would win for all the people in every land nation and tongue we came to win no matter what they threw against us. Look at the Vampires as they shrink from the Light. Been here throughout the shitstorms of Lies they bring against us;acccusers of the brethren. Let them reap what they have sown. We are of one accord. God knows our hearts are for our people anons. Selfless against their lying attacks. Brave and honorable are the true patriots who are gathered together in this domain.
Doubters will doubt and spread evil. Patriots create a nation of countrymen United by Love.
Leaders will lead Q and you have proved that so well; People are anxious and waiting worldwide for liberation from the technocratic transhumanists that hate humanity.
Early on I believed that MAGA would lead to MEGA… The indispensable Nation. A Light shining on a Hill. IT'S Truth Q. The Last best hope upon the earth.
Our CHIEF is simply a magnificent example of Patriotism and enthusiasm with his brave family. Purchased DJT juniors book for a nice pick me up just to enjoy. See him in media. Very comforted Americas values carried forward to the to the light of awareness for our country. Godspeed for the next dispensation of what our patriots in all theaters bring forth to light.