>2 Noms for Notable late last bread
>Didn't make it to bake.
Not that Notable
Newt Gingrich
As Speaker of the House for four State of the Unions by a President of the other party I am disgusted and insulted by the viciously partisan action of Nancy Pelosi tearing up the speech.She isnโt clever or cute her childishness insults our American traditions -should be censured.
Donald Trump Jr.
'This is what Nancy Pelosi ripped up. A truly shameful move, even for her.
>I don't think Q is a LARP, but the posting PAYtriots & namefags is probably the most annoying thing Q does. It means that we ARE NOT all anon. And those fuckwits get are insufferable enough as it is. But, nothing can be done about it.
Q doesn't pay any attention too much to non-name fags & PAYtriots. Especially if you don't use Twitter a lot
>Beanz and Posobiec coming up next?