Possibilities with benefit of hindsight (2020).
Darn - mend, patch, make new, effort to use the good that remains in something old, worn, or imperfect. "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without."
Kess - Dissident Mage in Commander 17, (game theory related). Wizard. "Loss has no meaning here. You cannot take from those who have nothing."
d_a_rkness + darkne_s_s + reveal
= a.s. reveal
Darnkess ~ nk ~ North Korea
Game Theory, ex Nash Equilibrium
3a. Distruptor.
3b. Change Agent
3c. Layered w/ light x4
BDT, Blunt Direct Time, currency, fireworks
4a. BanglaDeshi Taka
4b. Director of Time
4c. Anagram - Interdict & Tumble or Tumble & Interdict
GS, George Soros, AS Reveal. roadmapped.