Anonymous ID: 7bab03 Oct. 27, 2020, 6:21 a.m. No.11304274   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“The Fourth Turning - How this crisis was predicted 30 years ago” -


“This Is The "Sh*t Hitting The Fan" Part Of The Fourth Turning” at is an interesting read. Below are a few excerpts.


““The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium, midway through the Oh-Oh decade. Around the year 2005, a sudden spark will catalyze a Crisis mood. Remnants of the old social order will disintegrate. Political and economic trust will implode. Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation and empire. The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning”


“I read The Fourth Turning in 2006, after seeing it described in John Mauldin and Doug Casey’s newsletters as an uncannily accurate assessment of American history based upon generational configurations which recur on eighty-year cycles, a long human life. Strauss and Howe wrote the book in 1997 and used their generational theory to predict the Crisis that would begin in the mid-2000’s and come to an indeterminate climax in the mid-2020’s.”


“I wish it were not so, but most human beings seem incapable of critical thought regarding how history follows a cyclical path due to human nature retaining its flaws, weaknesses, vulnerabilities and fortes throughout history. We believe we have advanced because our inventions, discoveries, and technology, but the desire for wealth, power and control over others still consumes a sociopathic portion of mankind who tend to rise to the top through any means necessary.


As Huxley lamented in the 1950’s, technological progress has actually propelled mankind backwards in terms of its humanity and relationship with nature and other human beings. The very technology we glorify as an example of our advancement is now being used by the totalitarians to imprison us. It has happened slowly and methodically over decades as generation after generation have entered the government indoctrination centers (public schools) to be taught ignorance and obedience to the state. This indoctrination has been reinforced by ceaseless propaganda injected into their brains by media conglomerates doing the bidding of the state.”


“An honest truth-seeking press with unbiased journalists would have uncovered this conspiracy and revealed the truthful facts to a concerned public. Instead, a completely captured corporate media has turned a blind eye to the truth as they have acted as accomplices of the coup culprits. Just as evil is the suppression of truth through censorship and keeping silent regarding the truth. Huxley understood how totalitarian propagandists operated decades before the current batch of Silicon Valley authoritarians initiated their national truth repression scheme.”


“These anti-rational propagandists are enemies of freedom, as they systematically pervert reality and knowingly manipulate the minds of the masses towards how they require them to think, feel and act. After years of socialist indoctrination in government schools and universities, the masses have been taught to feel rather than think. Victimhood is celebrated, while personal responsibility is scorned.”


“It may take weeks, there will be rampant fraud in trying to swing the vote to Biden, and it could end up in the Supreme Court, but I believe Trump will win. The deplorables are seething with an inner rage which will be released on November 3. While the election is being contested, shockingly, ANTIFA and BLM will again begin burning down cities. It was fascinating how it had all stopped when polls showed the riots having a negative impact on Biden and his Democrat cohorts. The time frame between November 3 and January 20, when the president is supposed to be sworn in, guarantees to be tumultuous, dangerous, and fraught with potential peril.


I do not believe either side will accept the outcome of the election and will treat the victor as illegitimate. Once that mindset gains control, only violent conflict can result. The myriad of potential outcomes is too vast to comprehend. What we do know is Fourth Turnings always accelerate and intensify towards a bloody finale, with clear winners and losers.”


“The ruling oligarchs find this unacceptable, so this freedom must be wrested away from them by any means necessary. There is a civil war already underway, but only one side is fighting – the billionaire class who not only don’t want to relinquish some power, but want total control over every aspect of our lives. I believe this election will turn this one-sided silent war into a hot war.”

Anonymous ID: 7bab03 Oct. 27, 2020, 6:55 a.m. No.11304707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9819

>>11065049 at states, “The South African police is in our opinion up to 80 percent corrupt. Corruption doesn’t necessarily mean taking money from criminals and complainants, it also means when you don’t protect and serve. There is no proper protection and no proper police service in South Africa. No proper infrastructure of the police.”


“Dewetsdorp farmer shot in neck by Police members in unmarked vehicle” -


“A farmer of Dewetsdorp in the Free State, Dries van Tonder (64), was shot in the neck and admitted to the Bloemfontein Medi Clinic on Thursday morning 22 October 2020, whilst on route from Bloemfontein to his farm. Dries was driving back to his farm after taking someone to hospital. Dries was shot by occupants of an unmarked car which later turned out to be a Police vehicle which never used blue lights or sirens.


Danie van Tonder, the leader of the sector safety structure, told the media that Dries phoned him and said people in in an unmarked car followed him and shot out the back glasses of his bakkie. Danie said when he came close to where Dries was being chased, Dries stopped but was then shot at again. It was then that Dries was shot in the neck.


Dries did shoot back because he thought he was being attacked and never suspected it is actually a Police vehicle shooting at him. Danie said the occupants of the unmarked car also shot at him and he had to hide around a bend in the road. After that Dries drove to him and stopped next to him. The unmarked car chased away.


They only heard later that it was an unmarked Police vehicle.


Dries was stabilized by a local doctor after which he was admitted to the Bloemfontein Medi Clinic. The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) is now investigating the incident.”