Anonymous ID: 399e52 Feb. 5, 2020, 8:53 a.m. No.8035540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5548 >>5571 >>5610 >>5643 >>5646 >>5691 >>5699 >>5729 >>5741

Pelosi did not tear up her copy of the speech.

  1. See the binder in front of Trump? That was the speech.

1a. It's 3 inches thick

1b. It's printed on normal letter size paper

  1. Pelosi got handed legal size papers. Legal.

  2. Pelosi surruptitiously read the legal size papers during the speech.

  3. Pelosi mouthed "What does this mean?" to someone sitting to her right (not Pence)

  4. Pelosi remained confused and agitated throughout.

  5. Pelosi ripped up the legal size paper in two pulls. So, 10 pages, tops. She's a weak old woman.

  6. Pelosi left them behind.

7a. If they were against Pelosi personally, they would not have been left behind

7b. If they were against Pelosi personally, she would have known what they were, and what they meant.

  1. This is similar to the Q counter at the GHWBush funeral. Eerily similar.

  2. This is the year of the boomerang, per Q.


Rampant speculation

This was a legal document.

This did not concern Pelosi personally.

This concerned Pelosi considerably.

Defense is almost over.

Offense has begun.


2Q2Q is going to be a good year.