This is an importand admission.
They are causing pain, to us, intentionally, and constantly.
They promise to stop causing pain, to us, if we surrender.
This is an importand admission.
They are causing pain, to us, intentionally, and constantly.
They promise to stop causing pain, to us, if we surrender.
Sometimes simple is good.
The crowd that wants death to America teamed up with people who chant death to America.
That is quite literally insane.
>surely if i use their images, they'll think i'm one of them, said the scorpion
They never saw the General coming.
When Christ returns, will he find any faith on the earth?
You shall find that some of us sting.
nightmare fuel
What does it profit a man to gain the world, yet lose his soul?
Or, what would a man trade, in exchange for his soul?
The heart of man is endlessly wicked; who can know it?
Trump said 187 judges appointed in SOTU last night.
Including 2 Justices of the Supreme Court, Gorsuch & Kavanaugh.
187 is Murder
Scalia was on SCOTUS when he was Murdered
I will forgive their sins, and remember their iniquity no more.