Anonymous ID: d7719c Feb. 5, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.8036608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6701 >>6710 >>6726

Given that Obama was a CIA operation, groomed since a young adult to be the Obama born in Hawaii with a false Birth Certificate and destined to be President, what role does Iran have? Obama surrounded himself with Iran sympathizers. Valerie Jarrett was a constant presence. The anti-Trump sentiment of former FBI agents Strzok and Page is well known, but their Iran connects are less well known. They would have preferred the treasonous Hillary who was already allowing her Clinton Foundation to be used to launder Iranian funds.


Is this mere coincidence, as the assignment of John Kerry as Obama’s Secretary of State, despite his family connections to Iran’s elite? Obama was a CIA operation from the start, so appointing John Brennan, who was radicalized early in the Middle East, was no surprise. But why the Iran connection? A puzzling aspect of the secret wars going on just under the surface of today’s political landscape is the role of Satanism. We have detailed how the Bush/Clinton Cabal assisted N Korea and Iran in their nuclear endeavors, with the ultimate goal of triggering World War III during the End Times.


This is a Holy War, with many tentacles. President Trump and his Junta, and associates such as the UK Marines, are aggressively fighting this war on many fronts – pedophilia and blackmail of those caught in this net, money laundering of stolen funds, gun and drug running for profit and the promotion of terrorism, and human trafficking. The horror of rape and murder of toddlers during Moloch worship shows the depths to which those worshiping Satan will descend. What would lure those cooperating with this agenda?


At the heart of Satanism are highly Service-to-Self entities from other worlds who are answering the Call of those on Earth who are ambitious or enraged at their inability to progress in human society. As we have detailed, Service-to-Self entities thus called can only consult, but in so doing they promise results. Short term operations, such as marrying a rich spouse, can deliver results but soon such converts find themselves directed to work with others of like ilk in order to progress. The larger network of polished Satanists becomes convinced they are invincible.


The end goal of the Satanist overlords is to garner human souls for their ultimate destination – to become slaves on their prison planets. The Transformation of Earth is slowly turning the Earth into a planet for those in the Service-to-Others, with caring for others and sharing resources predominant. But the ambassadors from the Service-to-Self who have been active on Earth for the past few millennia, seek to garner a strong harvest by sowing despair and horror, thus turning young souls toward self-protection – selfishness. This battle is intense at this time, with Iran as a nuclear power capable of triggering World War III the current battleground.

Anonymous ID: d7719c Feb. 5, 2020, 10:13 a.m. No.8036633   🗄️.is 🔗kun

At the heart of this recent maneuver by Putin to reorganize the government of Russia is the need to block Russia’s Deep State, which will try to take advantage of the coming Earth changes caused by Nibiru. A Deep State exists in all countries, rivaling any dictator’s strength, and often frankly running the country. Draining the swamp is often so difficult as to be impossible, such that leaders in the swamp cannot be removed or fired, or are protected by other members of the Deep State. In the US, for instance, civil servants cannot be simply dismissed, and can only be dismissed for cause or as a result of a budgetary cutback.


In Russia, Putin and Medvedev share power, with Putin as the President handling foreign affairs and Medvedev driving the cabinet. The Duma, the lower body of Russia’s legislature, has little power, but must approve the Prime Minister. In the US the President has the power to appoint and dismiss the cabinet and key executive jobs, but these must be approved by the Senate. Regardless of the structure, all countries struggle with a Deep State, which is often composed of sleeper cells that do not reveal their agenda until threatened or called to action.


Putin is aware of Deep State pockets in Russia, which have persisted despite careful selection of Cabinet heads. Does one dismiss hundreds of government workers, replacing them by others, and expect a good outcome? Experience and competence are lost, while new swamp creatures are installed. Putin wants to give the Duma more power, so they become in essence a police force. At the same time, while the Russian public is approving a new constitutional structure, the Cabinet heads have been weakened. The Duma may be contentious, but Deep State agendas well known and easily identified.