Anonymous ID: d9350d Feb. 5, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.8036807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6841 >>6844 >>6845 >>6864

I’m not looking for sympathy, I’m just a regular anon who has been here from the start. My dear mother just passed away. The only last wish she had, while in hospital on her last days, was to vote for Donald J Trump in the upcoming election.

As we watched the SuperBowl together, a trump campaign commercial came on the tv. Mom was a 60+yr democrat, she just loved DJT. After the commercial she said to us, “ i just love that man, he’s trying to do so much good for the country, some ppl don’t see it, but I do.” My point, if a lifelong democrat, on her deathbed wants DJT to be re-elected, think of all the other ppl who are witnessing the antics of Pelosi and Co. and feeling the same way! Sorry to put something personal in this space, but Mom and I followed Q together and thought ppl should know that this really is BIGGER than we can imagine.

I love you mom!