Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:13 a.m. No.8036625   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Illinois is giving drivers licenses to illegals and signing up for voter registration at the same time


llinois is giving drivers licenses to illegals and signing up for voter registration at the same time.


Better believe the number of errors is higher than what’s being reported.


NY and CA are also moving to do the same.


Illinois: Error registered a possible 545 noncitizen voters


January 23, 2020 GMT


CHICAGO (AP) — An error in Illinois’ new automatic voter registration system led to a possible 545 non-U.S. citizens being registered to vote, 15 of whom cast ballots, state officials publicly acknowledged this week.


Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White’s office, which oversees driver’s licenses, said the data of 574 people who self-identified as non-citizens was erroneously forwarded to elections officials to be registered to vote. Election officials confirmed Tuesday that 545 of them were ultimately registered.

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:15 a.m. No.8036661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6873 >>7056 >>7251

Unleash the meme war! Pompeo mocks Pelosi’s speech-tearing stunt with ‘Simpsons’ screenshot


The grandstanding between President Trump and Speaker Pelosi during the State of the Union address has triggered an avalanche of memes online, with Mike Pompeo taking part among others.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo posted a ‘Simpsons’ meme showing a tearful Lisa Simpson tearing papers into shreds in season 3 of the popular series.


The obvious dig at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who tore in half her copy of President Donald Trump’s state of the union speech after he seemingly refused to shake her hand, appeared on Pompeo’s personal Twitter account.


Pelosi later said that tearing up the speech – a “manifesto of mistruths,” as she put it – was “the courteous thing to do, considering the alternatives.”


The animosity between the two escalated this year as Pelosi led a successful House effort to impeach Trump on allegations of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. His Senate trial is widely expected to end in acquittal this week.


Public reaction to Tuesday’s grandstanding seems divided along party lines. Republicans bashed Pelosi for disgracing the achievements mentioned in the speech. Democrats call her a “legend” and a “hero.”


Some hinted that making grand gestures like this is easier for Democrats than, say, blocking his military budget.

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.8036704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6746

Virginia woman claims taking Zantac daily for years gave her CANCER in her esophagus - joining dozens of lawsuits over carcinogenic chemicals in the heartburn drug


Deborah Haskins, of Ridgeway, Virginia, began using Zantac in 2005 and took at least one tablet of 75mg per day

She was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, a cancer of the tube that connects the throat to the stomach, though it's not clear when

Several tests have found trace amounts of the carcinogen NDMA in Zantac and other generic forms of the drug

Haskins is suing the drug's makers for battery, for failing to warn consumers of the risks, committing fraud and having a design defect

Zantac was recalled in October 2019 after the findings, and its generic versions have since been recalled as well


A Virginia woman has filed a lawsuit against the makers of heartburn medication Zantac, claiming the drug caused her esophageal cancer.


In the complaint, filed in the US District Court for the District of New Jersey, Deborah Haskins, of Ridgeway, alleges that Zantac's active ingredient, ranitidine, formed unsafe levels of a known human carcinogen in her body.


Haskins asserts that ranitidine's chemical structure is 'inherently unstable' and can break down during digestion and produce the cancer-causing agent NDMA.


In past studies conducted on animals, NDMA has been linked to several cancers including those of the colon and rectum, kidneys, liver and stomach.


She is suing on the grounds that Zantac has a design defect, that the maker failed to warn consumers of the risks and committed fraud by doing so, and of battery for causing her injuries.


It comes on the heels of Zantac and generic forms of the medications being recalled following tests that found high level of NDMA in the tablets.


The lawsuit names Zantac's current manufacturer for the US, Sanofi, as defendant, as well as past makers Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals and GlaxoSmithKline.


According to the complaint, Haskins began using Zantac in 2005, taking at least one tablet of 75mg per day.


She claims that, as a result, she developed esophageal cancer, but it's unclear when she was diagnosed.


Esophageal cancer begins in the cells of the tube that connects the throat to the stomach.


Research has not explicitly linked Zantac to the cancer, but the esophagus is acted upon by the drug.


Symptoms include having trouble swallowing, chest pain, indigestion, heartburn and unexplainable weight loss.


Treatment can range from immunotherapy to radiation to chemotherapy. If the cancer is in an advanced stage, surgery may be necessary to remove some or most of the esophagus.


An estimated 17,650 new cases of esophageal cancer were diagnosed in 2019 and 16,080 people died, according to that National Cancer Institute.


Only about 20 percent of patients survive five years.


In the lawsuit, Haskins says that if she had known about the unsafe levels of NDMA in Zantac, she would have never purchased the medication.


She is seeking an undisclosed amount for damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and 'loss of enjoyment of life.'

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:22 a.m. No.8036740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6920 >>7069

MIT Wants Permanent Vaccine Record Embedded in Your Skin


Would you want your medical records, including your vaccination records, permanently embedded into your skin, so anyone with a smartphone device could read them? The privacy implications are immense, as are the ethical considerations of what could, perhaps, become mandated along with vaccinations.


The question, unfortunately, isn’t just theoretical, as Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers have already created technology capable of storing medical information below your skin’s surface.1


“[L]ack of standardized immunization recordkeeping makes it challenging to track vaccine coverage across the world,” the researchers wrote in the journal Science Translational Medicine,2 That lack, or deficiency in information, is the purported impetus for the new development.


In an MIT news release, it’s further stated that “a lack of vaccination leads to about 1.5 million preventable deaths, primarily in developing nations,” suggesting that this “on-patient storage of vaccination history” could somehow save lives.


But instead of spending time and resources developing methods to track a person’s vaccine history, far more lives could be saved by spreading access to basic health requirements, like clean water, sanitation systems and healthy food.

Invisible Dye Injected Under Skin Would Track Vaccine History


The new technology, demonstrated in a proof of concept study in rats, involves dissolvable microneedles that deliver near-infrared light-emitting microparticles into the skin. While the particle patterns can’t be seen with the naked eye, a modified smartphone could be used to scan and view them.


The dye is made of quantum dots, which are nanocrystals, that emit near-infrared light that a modified smartphone can detect. Study author Kevin McHugh, a former MIT postdoc, said in a news release:3


“In areas where paper vaccination cards are often lost or do not exist at all, and electronic databases are unheard of, this technology could enable the rapid and anonymous detection of patient vaccination history to ensure that every child is vaccinated.”


The dye would be injected along with a vaccine. In tests, the patterns were detectable nine months later in rats. The researchers noted, “By codelivering a vaccine, the pattern of particles in the skin could serve as an on-person vaccination record.”4


In humans, it’s expected that the dye will remain for at least five years, where it could quickly alert officials if someone hadn’t received a certain vaccine or didn’t complete the full course of a vaccination.

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:25 a.m. No.8036776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6785 >>6873 >>7056 >>7251

Pelosi Signs Off on Bolton Subpoena – Nadler Says Judiciary Committee ‘Likely’ to Issue Subpoena Soon


We knew this was coming.


President Trump will be acquitted on Wednesday by the senate in the impeachment trial but the Democrats won’t let it end today.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has already signed off on a John Bolton subpoena and House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler is ready to roll.


“Nadler says it’s likely he will subpoena Bolton. Says the Speaker has signed off on it. Unclear when it will happen.” Fox News’ Chad Pergram reported.


The Democrat media complex tried to shake the senate impeachment trial by conveniently releasing a portion of John Bolton’s book in an effort to have the former NatSec Advisor called in as a witness.


The Dem-led House rushed their sham impeachment hearings and failed to subpoena John Bolton so they tried to force the senate to bring Bolton in to testify against Trump.


Anonymous sources conveniently leaked to the New York Times claiming former National Security Advisor John Bolton’s book manuscript accused President Trump of tying Ukraine aid to Biden investigations.


The Democrats failed at their second coup attempt against President Trump and here they are preparing to go another round.

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:27 a.m. No.8036796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6830

Krieger: “The Bannings Will Continue Until Thought-Crimes Are Extinguished”


Most of you reading this will be aware that Zerohedge’s prolific and highly popular twitter account with over 670,000 followers was on the receiving end of a lifetime ban by the Twitter politburo. This post won’t focus on the details of this specific ban, but if you want to read more about it, see the following: Zerohedge Suspended On Twitter.


It’s imperative not to overly focus on the individual victims of tech giant bans, and instead zero in on the bigger picture. Rather than debating whether or not you like Zerohedge, or whether you think it crossed a line, I want to highlight the dangerous implications of dominant social media companies wielding permanent bans as a weapon against freedom of speech in practice.


This post will cover three main issues.


First, the fact that Twitter and other social media companies have essentially created a caste system when it comes to engagement on their platforms.


Second, the question of whether or not a lifetime ban from social media platforms is an ethical concept.


Third, the dangers of Twitter essentially throwing the entire timeline of a banished account into the memory hole.

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:29 a.m. No.8036818   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DA Says Couple Accused of Drugging and Raping Up to 1,000 Women Did No Such Thing—Ex-DA Made it All Up


A California prosecutor is dropping all charges against a doctor and his girlfriend, alleging that his predecessor “manufactured” allegations that the couple drugged and sexually assaulted up to 1,000 women.

The stunning turn of events comes a year and a half after the case against Grant Robicheaux, an orthopedic surgeon who appeared on the TV show The Online Dating Rituals of the American Male, and substitute teacher Cerissa Riley exploded into the headlines.

At the time, Orange County’s then-district attorney, Tony Rackauckas, claimed the pair lured women to their Newport Beach home, knocked them unconscious, and raped them.

At a press conference in September 2018, he said investigators had seized “hundreds” of incriminating videos from the couple’s phones. Asked whether the number could be as a high as a thousand, Rackauckas said, “I think so.”

A few months later, though, Rackauckas was out of office, replaced by current DA Todd Spitzer, who eventually ordered a review of the evidence. He says he was appalled by what he found.

“The prior District Attorney and his chief of staff manufactured this case and repeatedly misstated the evidence to lead the public and vulnerable women to believe that these two individuals plied up to 1,000 women with drugs and alcohol in order to sexually assault them—and videotape the assaults,” Spitzer said in a blistering statement.

“As a result of the complete case review I ordered beginning in July, we now know that there was not a single video or photograph depicting an unconscious or incapacitated woman being sexually assaulted.”

Rackauckas has not responded to his former rival’s allegations. But Robicheaux’s attorney praised the reversal.

“I don’t want to be overly dramatic or hyperbolic, but the mere filing of this case has destroyed irreparably two lives,” defense lawyer Philip Cohen told reporters.

“He has become persona non grata with an entire city, an entire state—and I don’t want to be exaggerating—but probably an entire country.”

Robicheaux, 39, and Riley, 32, insisted from the start that all their liaisons were consensual. They were swingers, their attorneys argued, and the so-called victims were willing participants.

They claimed Rackauckas inflated the allegations, hoping that media attention would buoy his re-election effort. And last June, unsealed transcripts of a deposition showed the ex-prosecutor thought the publicity would help him.

Spitzer said that’s when he assembled a team to re-evaluate the case. “A team of prosecutors with a combined 175 years of experience determined there is no provable evidence that Robicheaux and Riley committed any sexual offense,” he said in a press release.

The charges that will be dropped include kidnapping and rape; Robicheaux and Riley would have faced up to life in prison if convicted.

At least some of the women who accused Robicheaux and Riley maintain they were assaulted.

Michael Fell, an attorney for one of them, told the Los Angeles Times the decision is a betrayal of his client.

“For somebody to report, for them to go through what she had to go through with the police, for the district attorney’s office to file criminal charges, for her to have to be patient the last two years while the case is being prosecuted, only for it to be dropped—she’s going to be devastated,” Fell said.

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.8036849   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'I'm gonna f*** you up': Antifa thug gets in face of GOP candidate running against Nancy Pelosi, says he wants him 'dead'


The left — and specifically Antifa, in this case — just can't seem to help itself from encouraging more and more people to come to the polls in November and reelect President Donald Trump.


Have a look at the below video if you doubt such a conclusion.


In the video we see in the dark jacket John Dennis — chairman of the San Francisco Republican Party and congressional candidate who's running against Democrat Nancy Pelosi this fall — conversing with bearded guy in a yellow shirt whom Dennis identified as an Antifa member.


The Antifa agitator wasn't exactly civil. In fact, he told Dennis — who was there helping a street cleanup effort — "Bruh, I'ma gonna catch you when all the cameras aren't around, and I'm gonna f*** you up." And that's just for starters.

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.8036862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6997 >>7158

Church of England apologizes for saying God only approves sex for heterosexual married couples


The Church of England somehow surprised and angered people with a recent statement of its belief that God only approves of sex between a man and a woman in the context of marriage — a belief that literally dates back to the beginning of Christianity.


Bowing to that social backlash, the church responded by apologizing last week for the statement, even though it did not change its stance on the issue.

"We as Archbishops, alongside the bishops of the Church of England, apologize and take responsibility for releasing a statement last week which we acknowledge has jeopardized trust," a statement by Archbishops Justin Welby and John Sentamu released Thursday read. "We are very sorry and recognize the division and hurt this has caused."


The controversy began with the pastoral statement, "Civil Partnerships — for same sex and opposite sex couples," which is still published on the Church of England's website. It addresses a 2019 change in British law that allows heterosexual couples to enter civil partnerships, something already available to same-sex couples.

"With opposite sex civil partnerships, and with those for same sex couples, the Church's teaching on sexual ethics remains unchanged," the statement concludes, after detailing legislative changes and how they impact the church. "For Christians, marriage — that is the lifelong union between a man and a woman, contracted with the making of vows — remains the proper context for sexual activity. In its approach to civil partnerships the Church seeks to uphold that standard, to affirm the value of committed, sexually abstinent friendships and to minister sensitively and pastorally to those Christians who conscientiously decide to order their lives differently."

The statement essentially says that while civil partnerships are not inherently against church teachings, since they can be between a man and a woman in a nonsexual context, the ambiguity of such partnerships prevents the church from outright endorsing them as a concept.


Some prominent bishops, after the release of the statement, sent an open letter to the church criticizing the statement.

"The Church of England has this week become a laughingstock to a nation that believes it is obsessed with sex," the letter read. "More importantly this statement has significantly damaged the mission of the Church and it has broken the trust of those it seeks to serve … it seems our trust has been misplaced and we feel badly let down."

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.8036968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6974 >>6984

Palestinian teen shot dead as he threw firebomb at troops — army


17-year-old was taking part in clashes with Israeli soldiers in Hebron; death comes amid tensions in West Bank over US peace plan


A Palestinian teenager was shot dead by Israeli security forces as he threw a Molotov cocktail at troops during clashes in Hebron on Wednesday, the military said.


The victim was identified as 17-year-old Mohammed al-Haddad by the official Palestinian Authority news site Wafa.


According to the Israel Defense Forces, al-Haddad hurled a firebomb at soldiers at the entrance to Shuhada Street in the flashpoint city in the southern West Bank.


“During a violent riot that took place a short time ago in the city of Hebron, IDF troops spotted a Palestinian throwing a Molotov cocktail at them. They responded with live fire in order to remove the threat,” the military said.


The IDF has been on heightened alert in the West Bank over the past week, following the release of US President Donald Trump’s plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Recent days have also seen a general uptick in violence in Hebron, the military said.


“For the past few days, violent riots have taken place in Hebron, near the Jewish settlement, with dozens of Palestinians taking part, throwing stones, burning tires and hurling Molotov cocktails at IDF troops and security forces,” the IDF said.


Al-Haddad’s death came hours after additional clashes broke out in al-Bireh near Ramallah where Palestinians were filmed hurling Molotov cocktails at an IDF convoy as it left the town following an arrest raid.


Similar scenes were captured on Monday when a border policeman was lightly hurt after being hit with a Molotov cocktail, which exploded into flames on him, as he tackled rioters in Hebron. The officer was lightly injured but did not require hospitalization.


Trump’s plan, which envisions Israel annexing all of its settlements and the Jordan Valley while giving the Palestinians a state with limited sovereignty in 70% of the West Bank, has met fierce criticism from Palestinian leaders.


Since the plan was unveiled last week, Palestinians have held daily demonstrations in several West Bank hotspots, in some cases throwing stones and firebombs at Israeli forces and civilian vehicles.


The army last week said it was deploying extra troops to the West Bank and along the Gaza border out of concerns of increased violence over the plan.

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.8036976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7006 >>7056 >>7251 >>7324

Mother of Murdered Federal Border Agent: Son Feared for His Life, Hid Private Journal Detailing DOJ & Eric Holder’s Illegal Fast and Furious Gun-Running Scheme


n a disturbing and shocking interview, the mother of Brian Terry, the federal border agent murdered by the DOJ & Eric Holder’s illegal Fast and Furious Mexican gun-running scheme, said her son feared for his life before his murder and knew the government was engaged in a wayward scheme.


On the Thomas Paine Podcast, Josephine Terry detailed many shocking revelations surrounding her son’s murder. Terry, a U.S. Border patrol Agent was gunned down by Mexican cartel members with one gun of thousands supplied by the Justice Department to Mexican criminals as part of the DOJ’s deadly and illegal Fast & Furious scheme. Terry’s mother said her son detailed parts of the scheme in a private journal that the FBI did not find when it raided his house after his murder.


“There are so many troubling and disturbing things in this interview that the public has never heard before,” said True Pundit’s Thomas Paine. “You have to wonder why no one in the Justice Department is in federal prison. And it was shocking to learn that Brian Terry not only feared for his life, but tipped off his superiors that something very wrong was going on at the border before his murder.


“Why hasn’t the mainstream or right-wing media reported on this on a large scale? It should be all over the news. They’re afraid to tell the truth.” (Listen below)

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.8037000   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Firearm background checks at record high for January


Nothing sells firearms like the threat of them being taken away. And the threat is evident on both a state and federal level.


The 2020 presidential race is already weighing on the minds of gun owners who flocked to gun stores to load up in January.


The FBI reported today that January saw a record of 2,702,702 background checks, which closely track gun sales and requests for concealed carry permits.


That broke the last January record of 2,545,802, set in 2016, when Democrat Hillary Clinton, who advocated a gun ban, was starting her march to White House, only to be foiled by NRA-endorsed Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.8037036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7050 >>7053 >>7055 >>7056 >>7067 >>7251 >>7341

Record high yesterday now this, fuckery afoot???


Tesla Shares Crash 21% - The Biggest Daily Drop On Record


Update (1320ET): TSLA shares are down a stunning 21% intraday, the biggest daily drop in the company's history…

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.8037070   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ICE arrests illegal alien charged with indecent liberties with a child after detainers ignored by Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail


WASHINGTON – On Feb. 3, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) arrested Marissa Martinez, 29, also known as Wilson Yovani Martinez or Maritza Martinez, an unlawfully present Guatemalan national after she was released by Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail despite a lawful immigration detainer. Martinez had pending charges for sexual assault of a child and assault when she was released from the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail and has since been re-arrested charged with felony indecent liberties with a child. After the second arrest, she was again released from the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail a second time, despite an active detainer. Martinez was released back into the community instead of being turned over to ICE.


On May 9, 2018, Martinez entered the U.S. and was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection at the San Ysidro Port of Entry in San Ysidro, Ca. She was transferred to ICE custody and released on an ankle monitor on July 27, 2018. She complied with the monitoring terms and was removed from the monitoring program on Mar. 3, 2019, while pending her immigration proceedings.


On Nov. 30, 2019, the Charlottesville, Va., Police Department arrested Martinez for misdemeanor sexual assault of a child and assault, and ICE lodged a detainer with the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail on the same day. However, despite the detainer, the facility released Martinez on bond, providing only one-hour notice to ICE officers before she was released back into the community.


On Jan.3, the Albemarle County Police Department arrested the Martinez for felony indecent liberties with a child. ICE lodged a second detainer the same day. On Jan. 21, again, the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail released Martinez and again did not provide enough time for ICE officers to assume custody. As a result, Martinez was released back into the community for the second time.


On Feb. 3, ICE officers arrested Martinez in Charlottesville, Va. She is currently detained at the Caroline Detention Facility and will remain in ICE custody pending the result of her immigration proceedings.

“When detainers are ignored, and criminal aliens are released back in the community, our greatest fear is that they will reoffend. That is precisely what is alleged to have happened here. The Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail chose to ignore a lawful detainer which would have kept this individual off the street and instead made a bad-faith attempt with one-hour notice, not just once, but twice.” said Russell Hott, the ERO Washington, D.C. field office director. “When we’re talking about the safety of a child, there’s no room to play political games.”

About Detainers

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:54 a.m. No.8037077   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Unimaginable: More than 1,500 aliens with ICE detainers released from the Orange County Jail in 2019, many re-offended


Orange County Sheriff’s Department confirms California’s SB54 has led to more crimes, victims


WASHINGTON — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Acting Director Matthew T. Albence has repeatedly expressed concerns about how state or local policies limiting cooperation with ICE can lead to more crime. According to data recently released from the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, in the two years since the implementation of California’s State Bill 54 (SB54), the sheriff’s department has rearrested more than 400 of those they released on whom ICE had active detainers. The aliens who were rearrested include those with charges including: rape, assault with a deadly weapon, child sex offenses, domestic violence, identify theft, and driving under the influence.

“I applaud Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes for his continued efforts to explain why these sanctuary policies do not make sense when it comes public safety. This is exactly what ICE has said time and again. These policies do nothing but ensure that criminals are released back into the community, where many re-offend, instead of being turned over to ICE. These are preventable crimes, and more importantly, preventable victims. As the data released by Sheriff Barnes clearly demonstrates, all communities are safer when local law enforcement works with ICE.”


The Orange County Sheriff’s Department data showed:


In 2019:


A total of 1,507 inmates released from the Orange County Jail had ICE detainers.

492 inmates were released to ICE upon completion of their local sentences in accordance with SB54 regulations.

The remaining 1,015 inmates were released without notification to ICE due to limitations by SB54

238 of those individuals were rearrested on additional charges.


In 2018:


A total of 1,823 detainers were placed on inmates at the Orange County Jail.

823 inmates were released to ICE upon completion of their local sentences in accordance with SB54 regulations.

1,106 inmates were released without notification to ICE due to limitations by SB54

173 of those individuals were rearrested on additional charges.


The Orange County Sheriff’s Department noted these numbers only reflect those arrested on new charges at the Orange County Jail; these statistics do not account for individuals who may have been released and committed crimes in other jurisdictions.


SB 54 restricts law enforcement from notifying, transferring and communicating with ICE regarding certain offenders.


“SB 54 has made our community less safe. The law has resulted in new crimes because my deputies were unable to communicate with their federal partners about individuals who committed serious offenses and present a threat to our community if released,” said Don Barnes, Orange County Sheriff-Coroner. “The two-year social science experiment with sanctuary laws must end. Rather than protect our immigrant community, the law has enabled offenders to be released, often times back into the immigrant communities they prey upon, and create new victims.”


ICE lodges detainers on individuals who have been arrested on criminal charges and who ICE has probable cause to believe are removable aliens. The detainer asks the other law enforcement agency to notify ICE in advance of release and to maintain custody of the alien for a brief period of time so that ICE can take custody of that person in a safe and secure setting upon release from that agency’s custody. When law enforcement agencies fail to honor immigration detainers and release serious criminal offenders onto the streets, it undermines ICE’s ability to protect public safety and carry out its mission.

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.8037080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Missouri Businessman Arrested on Antitrust Charge for Rigging Bids at Online Government Auctions

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:56 a.m. No.8037088   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FBI Director Chris Wray Testifies to House Judiciary Committee

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:57 a.m. No.8037092   🗄️.is 🔗kun

13 arrested during Arkansas HSI sex trafficking operation


NEW ORLEANS – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Little Rock and Jonesboro special agents arrested 13 people and rescued three victims following an underage sex trafficking operation in Northeast Arkansas Jan. 30, 2020.


The HSI-led operation, dubbed Operation S.U.I.T. (Stopping Underage Illegal Trafficking), was designed to identify underage and adult victims of sex trafficking in Northeast Arkansas. The joint operation was conducted in partnership with HSI New Orleans special agents, the Jonesboro Police Department, the Craighead Country Sheriff’s Department, Federal Bureau of Investigations, Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Arkansas State University Police Department and the local hotel industry. Additional victim-centered support was provided by Hope Found, Craighead Country Health Department, Craighead County Juvenile Department and the Arkansas State Crimes Against Children Division,

“When we collaborate with local law enforcement and community partners, we increase our reach and impact,” said HSI New Orleans Special Agent in Charge Jere T. Miles. “Strong partnerships help us to not only identify and assist victims, but to prosecute offenders and prevent additional trafficking.”


This remains an ongoing criminal investigation. In order to protect the identities of victims, HSI is electing to not proactively release identities of those arrested or rescued.


Every day, HSI special agents around the globe work to uncover, dismantle and disrupt human trafficking. HSI employs a victim-centered approach, where equal value is placed on the identification and stabilization of victims, as well as the investigation and prosecution of traffickers.

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.8037110   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Will Google Be Broken Up? Antitrust Investigators Examining Ad Business


The Google investigation is part of a broader antitrust inquiry of tech giants

Lawmakers have pushed the breakup of the major technology companies

Google ad revenue totaled $134.8 billion in 2019


The Justice Department reportedly has zeroed in on Google’s online ad tools in its antitrust investigation of the search giant.


The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday investigators have reached out to advertising technology firms and agencies to determine how Google’s advertising business works with publishers and advertisers.


The Google investigation is part of a more far-reaching inquiry that includes Amazon, Apple and Facebook. Lawmakers, including Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Republican Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Josh Hawley of Missouri, have called for the big tech firms to be broken up.


The Journal said nearly all major news publications use Google’s advertising exchange and DoubleClick for Publishers, which was rebranded in 2018 as Google Ad Manager.


Digital advertising is just one aspect of Google’s business that is under Justice scrutiny. Antitrust investigators also are studying its search engine dominance and its effect on other search and mobile businesses like Yelp, Duck Duck Go and Oracle, the Journal said, adding its publisher, News Corp., was among the companies contacted in relation to the advertising probe.


The Journal said of particular interest is Google’s integration of its ad server with its ad exchange and the requirement that advertisers to Google’s tools to place ads on such sites as YouTube. The software is used to buy and sell ads all over the internet, giving Google the ability to monetize digital content. Publishers and rivals in advertising argue it gives Google an anticompetitive advantage, especially on its owned sites.


Google maintains its ad tools give consumers a better experience.

Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.8037121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7147

Israeli Settler Leader Says Trump Admin Not Doing Enough For Israel


You just can't make this s–t up.


From The Hill, "Israeli settler leader: 'Kushner took a knife and put it in Netanyahu's back'":


An Israeli settler leader and supporter of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused senior White House adviser Jared Kushner of betraying the prime minister by slowing down the annexation of the West Bank.


David Elhayani, the chairman of the Yesha Council that manages more than 150 settlements, condemned Kushner for misleading Netanyahu after he endorsed President Trump’s Middle East peace plan, The Washington Post reported.


"Kushner took a knife and put it in Netanyahu's back," he told The Washington Post. "Kushner misled the prime minister. He misled everybody. He knew for a long time that Netanyahu wanted to declare sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and northern Dead Sea – he said it many times over the last year. Gentlemen just don’t act this way."


Elhayani continued saying that Kushner, Trump's son-in-law, may cost the prime minister the March 2 election if he pushes back on annexing the settlements right away.


The settler leader said a senior U.S. official told them that if the Palestinians didn't agree to the plan within 48 hours, Israel would be permitted to annex more than 30 percent of the West Bank.


"But something happened after that; they changed their minds," he said, according to the Post.


Once again, just so we're clear, in order to help Israel, President Trump:


- Pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal

- Appointed Nikki Haley to fight for Israel at the UN

- Pushed forward with a bill to give Israel $38 billion from US taxpayers

- Put maximum sanctions on Iran

- Endorsed the expansion of settlements

- Moved the US embassy to Jerusalem

- Cut all US aid to the Palestinians

- Backed Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights

- Outlawed criticism of Israel on college campuses by executive order

- Gave speeches commanding Americans to "love Israel"

- Assassinated Iranian General Qasem Soleimani

- Released a massively one-sided "Peace Deal" to rubber-stamp annexation of most of the West Bank and the entirety of Jerusalem

- Is allegedly going to release Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard to Israel in the coming weeks to aid Netanyahu's re-election campaign


Elhayani's issue is that Trump didn't approve the annexation fast enough and is now whining that that one single decision is "stabbing" Netanyahu in the back.



Anonymous ID: e22336 Feb. 5, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.8037184   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pressure on Prince Andrew Mounts as Epstein Victim's Lawyer Joins Forces With Harry Dunn’s Family


The Duke of York was previously accused of failing to make good on his earlier pledge “to help any appropriate law enforcement agency” with the Jeffrey Epstein “sex trafficking” probe as US prosecutors continue their investigation into the late tycoon’s dealings.


Prince Andrew has been facing heightened pressure to speak to the FBI after lawyers for Jeffrey Epstein's alleged “sex trafficking” victims announced they were joining forces with the family of Harry Dunn, a British teen killed by the wife of a US diplomat in a collision near RAF Croughton in August 2019.


Lisa Bloom, the lawyer for five of the late financier’s supposed victim and one alleged witness in the Prince Andrew investigations announced the news, tweeting:


"As attorney for six women in Epstein/ Prince Andrew matters, I am joining forces with the family of UK teen Harry Dunn to say: no one is above the law."


​Bloom added that both campaigns were joining forces to “express solidarity and to announce next steps," adding:


"If we want cooperation, we must cooperate in their investigations too".


The family of Harry Dunn also supported Bloom's calls and emphasised that reciprocity was at the core of extradition.

High Profile Case


Earlier, the wife of a US diplomat, Anne Sacoolas, charged in the death of the British teenager Harry Dunn, admitted to driving on the wrong side of the road, but claimed immunity and fled to the United States.


The US government denied a British extradition request pertaining to Sacoolas, who has been formally charged with “causing death by dangerous driving,” in a case that witnessed interventions by President Donald Trump and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

‘Zero Cooperation’


Prince Andrew has recently been accused of stonewalling an FBI probe into convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.


The FBI announced at a press conference on 27 January that "zero cooperation" had been provided after numerous attempts to contact the Duke of York’s attorneys to request an interview, despite the royal previously vowing he was "willing to help if required".


59-year-old Prince Andrew has been facing months of scrutiny over his friendship with paedophile Epstein, while denying allegations he had intimate relations with one of the late financier’s alleged sex trafficking victims, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, when she was 17-years-old.


The Duke of York also repeatedly denied any knowledge of Epstein's crimes.

In this Aug. 27, 2019, photo, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, center, who says she was trafficked by sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, holds a news conference outside a Manhattan court where sexual assault claimants invited by a judge addressed a hearing following Epstein's jailhouse death in New York

© AP Photo / Bebeto Matthews

In this Aug. 27, 2019, photo, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, center, who says she was trafficked by sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, holds a news conference outside a Manhattan court where sexual assault claimants invited by a judge addressed a hearing following Epstein's jailhouse death in New York


In November, shortly after Virginia Roberts Giuffre, now 35, threw the royal into the spotlight by claiming she had been forced to have sex with him when she was still underage, the duke sought to dispel the accusations in a BBC interview.


Days after the broadcast, the Duke of York stepped down from his formal public duties.


The FBI and federal prosecutors in Manhattan have been seeking justice for dozens of supposed Epstein’s victims as they probe into his purported accomplices.


There has been no official comment from Buckingham Palace.


A source close to the prince was quoted by The Sun as saying:


“This issue is being dealt with by The Duke of York’s legal team."

Jeffrey Epstein, left, and his attorney Martin Weinberg listen during a bail hearing in federal court

© AP Photo / Elizabeth Williams

Jeffrey Epstein, left, and his attorney Martin Weinberg listen during a bail hearing in federal court


Convicted sex abuser Jeffrey Epstein, 66, had been under investigation for nearly two decades at the time of his death in custody earlier this year.


Epstein, whose death was officially ruled a suicide, had earlier pleaded not guilty to all charges.