Ask these questions in the correct places.
Who replaced family Y?
Who does these family's lineage trace back to?
Who was Ann Boleyn?
Who were the Federalists?
What did the Federalists want to do?
Who did the Federalists give their loyalty to?
Why was the play, Hamilton, so important to HRC and the left?
What ideology did the French Revolution lead to the creation of?
What happened to South Africa in the 1800s?
Who was Rhodesia named after?
Who was responsible for the 2nd Boer War?
Who financed everything?
What secret society and scholarship did this man leave behind?
What is at Oxford?
What did this society want to do with the world?
What did this society want to do with the US?
Who were the members of this society?
Did those members have fellows in the US?
What nation lost its empire after WWI?
What nation held its debt?
What nation joined this group, wanting world domination?
What organizations were started by these men?
What world organization was started after WWII?
What happened to Germany?
Who was behind it?
Who was Göring?
What did Göring control?
Who was the Plenipotentiary of the Four Year Plan?
Who mobilized all sectors of the economy for war?
Who became wealthy from it?
Who was behind today's Europe?
What is the non-elected group of industrialists called, who control the EU?
What is a Round Table?
Where did that term originate?
Does the Roundtable Group still exist? (https:// www.commonwealthroundtable.co.uk/journal/history/)
What was Milner's Kindergarten?
Who was Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi?
What was Kalergi's plan?
What was the Pan-Europa movement?
Who was Baron Louis de Rothschild"
Was Baron Louis de Rothschild involved with Kalergi?
Who was Max Warburg?
Who was Paul Warburg?
Who was David Rockefeller?
Who was JP Morgan?
Who was Bernard Baruch?
What is the CFR?
What is the RIIA?
What group was behind forming the League of Nations?
What group was behind forming the UN?
What is the Pilgrims Society?
Who are the Pilgrims Society members?
Who loaned the Holy See £400,000 (equivalent to £34.1 million in 2016) in 1832?
What is the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR)?
What recent scandal was the IOR involved in?
What scandal was the IOR involved in during WWII, just after its founding?
Does the IOR have ties to the three major banking interests?
The Round Table first appeared in 1910 with the
subtitle ‘A Quarterly Review of the Politics of the
British Empire‘. As well as regular articles from…
Also, ask these questions.
Who was Hjalmar Schacht?
What was the Delbruck Schickler Bank?
What was the Reichsbank?
What was the I G Farben, Reichsbank, Schickler Bank connection to the Warburgs?
Who was Rudolf Hess?
Who was Martin Bormann?
Who pulled Hitler's strings?
Who was Oliver Lyttelton?
What was his connection to the Nazis and the Milner Group?
Did the Nazis have any associations with US bankers and the prominent US or British families?
How was Prescott Bush and Herbert Walker involved?
The Round Table first appeared in 1910 with the
subtitle ‘A Quarterly Review of the Politics of the
British Empire‘. As well as regular articles from…