Anonymous ID: ea038f Feb. 5, 2020, 11:27 a.m. No.8037513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7903 >>7908 >>8026

These people that we are so trying to grasp, understand and sometimes convince are not the same “animal” we are.

I have noticed this in life, about these people who usually turn out to be the NPs, CS, AS, “antifa” (and all those dressed in white). They truly believe:

Anyone who has what they perceive is more than they (money, power, attractive spouse, success, respect), has schemed their way into it.

Anyone who they perceive has “less” (and less scheming ability) than them (blacks, gays, trans, poor) are to be used as tools and useful idiots to further their ambitions and talent to manipulate.

What they see through their eyes when open is that everyone, every interaction, every relationship, every news story or speech, is a manipulation to get something (black vote, sympathy, money, power, narrative, white women vote etc). They really have no idea that POTUS actually loves this country.

To them, work, love, patriotism, God, unity, are just words and roles that are played to get what they want. T hey really don’t UNDERSTAND, at a visceral level, any of it!

That, my fam, is why we cannot understand their behavior in general, but on full display last night at the SOTU.

They have no idea why it was the greatest display of love and patriotism in a generation.

God bless Q, POTUS, FLOTUS and all the amazing Anons. Agedfag out