I member. Can't member the exact words or date, but I member.
Trump has done more to turn people to God than many of the best known preachers of the last century.
I member. Can't member the exact words or date, but I member.
Trump has done more to turn people to God than many of the best known preachers of the last century.
Mormonfag here. Can't stand Mittens. Jesus had his Judas; no barrel in the world seems free of rotten apples. I won't rest until the streets aren't safe for corrupt impostors like Mittens.
Huber's Mormon too. We need more like him.
Thx. In the end, there are really only two "churches" - those who embrace good, and those who embrace either evil or themselves.
I've found more true church members, more lovers of good, in this shitposting hive than I have in virtually any other venue.