Good Ole Cocaine Mitch has his moments.
I was a part in my younger days. Only got the newsletter, never attended any events. Seems like a place for high iq morans
Stop jerking off, step one. Step 2, get out in the sunlight whenever possible. Wont fix everything, but usually leads to a better and clearer perspective of life in general
I am fairly socially retarded as well (to a certain extent), but thats also how i ended up here ;)
Still could be sun light. And seems you glossed over step 1
Sounds like theyve got a case of ego over intelligence. Fairly normal with socially retarded morans with high iq. And i know a bunch. Wisdom and intelligence are 2 different things
Ill say a prayer for you, anon. I deal with depression quite a bit as well, and i know how helpless it can seem. You've got this, though
You must be new hereโฆ Impeachment can happen at any point.
he said hes only voting guilty on the first one, right? So posssible 53-47 for the secondโฆ?
Let's be honest, if all you see about Q is the shittard reps that attack any and everyone on twitter you'd probably never look into it and assume the same as well.