like a frisbee. I bet if you swab her you could still get some JFK DNA.
This is all timed down to the minute!!! The vote started on time. Lets get thru this STAT!!!
Article 1:
alexander Not
baldwin guilty
berasso not
bennete guilty
black not
blumen guilt
blunt not
booker guilty
boozeman not
brauwn not
brown guilt
burr not
cantwell guilt
capito not
cardon guilt
carper guilt
casey guilt
cassedy not
collin not
coons guilty
cornin not
cortez masto guilt
cotton not
kramer not
creypo not
cruz not
dames not
duckworth guil
durbin guilty
enzi not
urnst not
feinstein guilty
fisher not
gardener not
gillebrand guilt
graham not
grassley not
harris gulity
hassen guilty
holley not
heinrick guilty
horono guilt
hoven not
hyde smth not
enhaff not
johnson not
jones guilty
kane guilt
kennedy not
king guilty
klobachar guilt
lngford not
lehiegh guilty
lee nit
lefler not
manchin guilt
marquu guilt
mcconell not
mcsally not
menedez guilt
merkely guilty
moran not
mercowski not
murphy guilty
murray guilt
paul not
purdue not
peters guilt
cortman not
reed guilty
rish not
roberts not
romney guilty
rosen guilty
rouws not
rubio not
sanders guit
sass not
shotz guilt
schumer guilty
scott fl not
scott sc not
shabeen guilt
shalvey not
cinema guilt
smith guilty
stavino guilt
sulltivan not
tester not
thund not
tillis not
tummey not
udoll guilt
van hollen guilt
warner guilty
warren guilt
whitehouse guilt
wicker not
widen guilt
young not