Anonymous ID: 2f75e5 Feb. 5, 2020, 2:31 p.m. No.8040898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0973

Who's Mittens kidding by splitting his vote? That he was somehow reasonable by not plunging his dagger FULLY into @POTUS' back?? That he is only partially treasonous?? Now the Dems can't claim that the Vote although one to acquit was a "bipartisan" vote which was their only of a fig leaf against today's historic infamy. The Senate Dem Minority will always be remembered as the most corrupt group of Senators and co-conspirators to Treason in U.S. history. Schiff and Pelosi are dead pols walking, in the figurative sense, of course. They are all going to learn the pain that comes with a failed attempt at Treason.


"Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason." … John Harington.


]They] got away with Treason in 1963 and went on to rape and pillage the Country and much of the World for over a half a century. This unprecedented Global domination of Evil would have certainly continued on for a century or more had she only won.


God Bless and protect @POTUS, his Family and all those Oath-keepers who could not, would not, let such an abomination stand. They were all ready and willing to sacrifice it all to assure that the darkness gave way to light. They did this for all the freedom-loving, goodhearted, powerless and downtrodden, and the most innocent of us all, the children, born or soon to be.