what if the 144,000 sealed are the tippy top anons, and they are arrested and brought to GITMO …..and…… then ……Jesus pops out of a room "you have been selected for the rapture and will be refitted and armed to battle the forces of evil" Talk about a swerve.
143,998 to go!
you're video missed one
like the Boom post shaped like a gun? we are in the 9 week…..then 4/10/20
a friend para-TYPE texted ME right when she did it "that's a crime"
what a closet twink
i popped through every five minutes or so and determined it was not in there…..then was an ass to ya! nothing personal …. rush has been dissed forever by the establishment music doofuses so i got a chip on my shoulder about it
excuse the caps….no meaning other than cat pawing at me typing and he hits the lock….the fucker must be hungry.. (message receive)
ah shit….if this goes Post and Pre Trib discussion that is my fault. unintentional, but already died on the Post-Trib mountain back in high school apologetics essay
wasn't that supposed to be green socks anon at the award show last year?
watching it : the natural beauty visuals : is that the point? i prefer ethereal Pat Methany stuff when doing the nature, but to each his own
no, he died from the embarrassment of booker calling himself spartacus
making them love bolton was an amazing trick in and of itself
look up fournier's gangrene
Rans gets some Rush. Is he not named for Ayn Rand? She inspired the lyrics at the end of this jam. A causal link