Lock her up! WTF!
Libtardism is a progressive mental disease.
Trump's worst nightmare!
Usually, it's watching cnn and msnbc that does that.
Only the DOJ can arrest, Congressional investigations are usually just a waste of time for do-nothing
hot air blowers like Graham and Gowdy.
I predict a deletion.
>Lock this bitch up. WTF, Trump!
Oops, we did it again.
She just needs to OD.
Biden should not have got on this flight tonight.
Now that impeachment is done, Creepy is no longer necessary to the demoncrats. They will stop propping him up and let him fall.
She likes to be called Hooker Boots.
Did Booker kill him?
That would explain the tearing up the doc too, which really didn't make a lot of sense from her position.
Naked pictures of Trump. Of course, Vladimir has seen.
She needs to OD.
She likes to be called Hooker Boots.
Lust for Life is outstanding.