Anonymous ID: c8e550 Feb. 5, 2020, 4:42 p.m. No.8042495   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For your consideration. The result of the impeachment was decided on Friday–not officially–but de facto it ended with the vote to call no more witnesses. Everyone knew it was over, as evidenced by the dem & MSM vitriol, as well as Rudy G. declaring victory by tweeting an image of his circle celebrating at a restaurant, & Rudy smoking a victory cigar. However, the final vote was delayed 5 days for reasons that did not satisfy me, nor the WH apparently. So it was over but not over, a hiatus that stretched the done deal trial on a timeline over, under or beside Super Bowl Sunday. Contemporaneous if not exactly simultaneous, though from a certain point of view, it was indeed simultaneous.


What I was suggesting was 4-6%=4-6ers=49ers=SF Bay area=chief bastion of leftist ravers=led by some of the main criminals=representative of the hardest of hard core rabid lunatics=full circle back to the original Q drop. In no way intended as a slam on the football team or its fans. Especially not for patriots in the Bay area, for whom I have the highest respect and appreciation—you are fighting the good fight in the belly of the beast. Rather, am suggesting for the second & final time that the trial & Super Bowl were connected at the hip. Further, that this could be true even if Q Team did not consciously realize it at the time of the original drop.


On a final note, consider that POTUS' congratulatory tweet to KC was very quick, and IMO went beyond the usual WH sporting congrats, in the sense that it seemed especially robust, as if DJT was rooting against SF because of the scumbag traitorous pols centered there, that politics & sports may have been connected in his mind, as in mine.