Anonymous ID: 9881c1 Feb. 5, 2020, 6:11 p.m. No.8043573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3588 >>3758 >>4120 >>4187

Ex-Israel army chief admits arming Syria opposition


Former Israeli army General Gadi Eisenkot has gone on record affirming long-held allegations that Israel has directly provided weapons to Syrian opposition fighters against the government of President Bashar Al-Assad.


According to Haaretz, the revelations made last month, depart from Israel’s previous media policy on the subject, whereby it has insisted that Tel Aviv has only provided humanitarian aid to civilians, via field hospitals in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights and healthcare facilities in northern Israel.


Eisenkot has become the most senior Israeli official to admit Israel’s role in the Syrian conflict and its support for armed opposition groups, including terrorists affiliated with Al-Qaeda. In 2017, the Wall Street Journal reported that Israel has been supporting the rebels for years and that the Israeli army is in regular communication with rebel groups, including sending undisclosed payments to help pay the salaries of fighters, with an established Israeli military unit that overseas such support. “Israel stood by our side in a heroic way,” said Moatasem Al-Golani, spokesman for the rebel group Fursan Al-Joulan. “We wouldn’t have survived without Israel’s assistance.”

Anonymous ID: 9881c1 Feb. 5, 2020, 6:21 p.m. No.8043741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3770

Syrian air defenses engage ‘hostile targets’ over Damascus


Syria’s air defenses have intercepted a number of enemy projectiles over the capital of Damascus, according to Syrian state media. There are so far no reports of damage or injuries, and the nature of the targets remains unclear.


A series of blasts were reported on the outskirts of Damascus late on Wednesday, with unconfirmed images surfacing online purporting to show the attack in progress.


Syrian air defenses shot down “most” of the missiles before they reached their targets, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency, which said the attack targeted Kiswa area, Marj Al-Sultan, Baghdad Bridge, and South Izra, all in and around Damascus.

Anonymous ID: 9881c1 Feb. 5, 2020, 6:25 p.m. No.8043798   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. halts secretive drone program with Turkey over Syria incursion


By Humeyra Pamuk and Phil Stewart


WASHINGTON, Feb 5 (Reuters) - The United States has halted a secretive military intelligence cooperation program with Turkey that for years helped Ankara target Kurdish PKK militants, four U.S. officials told Reuters.


The U.S. decision to indefinitely suspend the program, which has not been previously reported, was made in response to Turkey's cross-border military incursion into Syria in October, the U.S. officials said, revealing the extent of the damage to ties between the NATO allies from the incident.


The U.S. officials, who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter, said the United States late last year stopped flying the intelligence collection missions that targeted the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which both the United States and Turkey classify as terrorists.


The U.S. military had carried out the missions using unarmed drone aircraft, which one official said were flown out of Turkey's Incirlik air base, where the U.S. military has a significant presence. The base is also a key hub for U.S. spy agencies operating in the region.


The U.S. drone flights that took place within the program, in place since 2007, often zeroed in on mountainous territory in northern Iraq near the Turkish border, another official said.


A Pentagon spokeswoman did not directly comment on any specific programs but noted that the United States has designated the PKK a terrorist organization since 1997.


“We have supported Turkey in their fight against the PKK in many ways for decades. As a matter of policy, we do not provide details on operational matters,” the spokeswoman said, when asked about a halt in assistance.


A State Department spokesperson said the United States does not comment on intelligence matters.


Officials from the Turkish defense ministry did not respond to a request for comment, but a Turkish official confirmed the program was stopped.


The halt to U.S. assistance will test the limits of Turkey's military and intelligence capabilities at a time when its forces are already deployed on multiple fronts in northern Syria and as Ankara mulls deeper engagement in Libya.


"This makes the anti-PKK campaign more difficult and more costly for Turkey," one of the four U.S. officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said.


It also adds to a laundry list of grievances between the United States and Turkey, including Ankara's purchase of Russian air defenses and broader splits over the war in Syria, despite what appears tobe a strong relationship between U.S. President Donald Trump and his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan.


Two drones shot down near Syrian base hosting Russian forces

Anonymous ID: 9881c1 Feb. 5, 2020, 6:27 p.m. No.8043828   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Syria: Israeli strikes target bases near Damascus, claims to intercept missiles


Monitor says least three government and Iranian positions targeted in raids on several sites around Syrian capital; no comment from IDF


Syrian air defenses intercept Israeli missile attack on southern region, shooting down most of missiles


Damascus, SANA_ Syrian air defenses, after midnight, responded to an Israeli missile attack that targeted the vicinity of Damascus and the southern region, shooting down most of the missiles before they reached their targets.


SANA reporter said that the Israeli aggression was carried out on several waves as Israeli enemy aircraft launched several missiles from over the occupied Syrian Golan and southern Lebanon targeting al-Kiswa area, Marj al-Sultan, Baghdad Bridge and South of Izraa.


The reporter added that the air defenses managed to shoot down most of the hostile missiles before they reached their targets.


Photos taken by SANA cameramen showed the moment when the air defenses confronted a number of enemy missiles in the air.

Anonymous ID: 9881c1 Feb. 5, 2020, 6:29 p.m. No.8043852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4070

The Last White Helmet Of Idlib


Israeli media are celebrating.


Asghar Bashpour, a top commander in Iran’s Quds Force who was close to its assassinated leader, Qassem Soleimani, has reportedly died in battle in Syria. Bashpour, who was overseeing Iranian operations in Aleppo, was killed at the forefront of clashes against “opposition forces” on February 3, reports said.


Israel has long been on the side of ISIS and al-Qaeda freedom fighters battling the oppressive Assad regime and Iran. At the end of the day, Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly said that Iranian entrenchment inside Syria is ultimately aimed at harming Israeli security and interests, while, it must be noted, the ISIS offshoot, that has for years existed just meters away from the Israeli-controlled Golan Height, hasn’t fired a single bullet at Israeli troops. Now that ISIS is defeated, the sole democracy of the Middle East is in danger.


However, there are even more clouds hanging over the region.


Late on February 4, Assad forces broke through the defenses of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the Turkistan Islamic Party and their colleagues southeast of Saraqib and captured over 110km2, including the villages of Sheikh Edris, Balisah and Kafr Amim. Nearby Turkish observation posts observed this with tears in their eyes. Ankara just declared that its military had delivered a devastating blow to the regime with dozens of strikes. Turkish troops just did not expect such a cowardly attack from the defeated pro-government forces.


Fortunately, Mr. Recep Erdogan promised that his country would not allow the regime to gain more territory in Idlib. He is probably planning to flood the Saraqib-Tal Toqan road, Afs, Resafa and Sarmin with Turkish troops who will thus gain the opportunity to sacrifice their health and even their lives protecting innocent al-Qaeda members hiding in Saraqib from Assad’s aggression. A minor flaw in this approach is that the Syrian Army, supported by the Russians, can advance from more than one direction, and the danger may come from the north. What a cunning plan!


So, forces of law and order should unite to protect Idlib rebels and their leaders, and they are doing so. The United States, France and the United Kingdom called for a United Nations Security Council session to condemn the unreasonable aggression perpetrated against the al-Qaeda book club in Idlib. On top of that, the United States employed its most powerful weapon. The U.S. Embassy in Damascus, which incidentally is located outside of Syria, changed its cover photo to demonstrate a strong determination to oppose “the continued, unjustifiable, and ruthless assaults on the people of Idlib by the Assad regime, Russia, Iran, and Hizballah”.


But that’s not going far enough. To demonstrate solidarity with the Idlib peace activists, US diplomats, including Mike Pompeo and Kelly Craft, should wear white helmets and carry little black flags during all briefings and events related to the conflict in Syria. Mr. Pompeo himself could visit the city of freedom, Idlib, where he could take the opportunity to drink a cup of tea with leaders of all these groups and organizations which the State Department supports so fiercely. For sure, members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham will be glad to hear Pompeo’s explanations for the nebulosity of the US approach towards them. It is a bit unclear why the US officially recognizes them as terrorists, when its diplomacy is aimed at supporting them.


Last but not least, the US, France and the UK can accept as refugees all these Idlib freedom fighters whom they support so that they will no longer be oppressed by the Assad regime but can enjoy real democracy.

Anonymous ID: 9881c1 Feb. 5, 2020, 6:42 p.m. No.8044030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4134

Twitter Says It'll Censor Deepfakes And Basically Anything Else It Wants To Ahead Of 2020 Election


Just days after banning Zero Hedge, Twitter has announced it'll also be implementing new rules to address deepfakes and "other forms of synthetic and manipulated media" as we head closer to the 2020 election.


Because we can't have a repeat of 2016, right?


The company said it is going to not allow users to “deceptively share synthetic or manipulated media that are likely to cause harm,” according to CNBC. The rules go into effect after March 5 this year, where the company will now label some Tweets containing synthetic or manipulated media.


Social media can, and will, have a profound effect on the state of the election heading into November this year. Altered media often shows up, with candidates words sometimes parroted or mocked in certain ads that seek to undermine them. Lawmakers have been trying to figure out a way to hold social media companies accountable for the spread of misinformation.


According to CNBC, last month the "House Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce held a hearing where experts shared warnings of both deepfakes and potential over-regulation of tech platforms that host them."


Twitter is now going to test media in three different ways to see if it meets parameters that violate its policy.


Is the media synthetic or manipulated?


Was it shared in a deceptive manner?


Is it likely the content will cause serious harm?


The article notes that if all three of these come back "yes", that Twitter said it would be likely to remove the content.


But we're willing to bet - and we know from experience - that Twitter is just going to remove the content it wants to, regardless.


In fact, the new policy is broad enough that it'll allow the company to even take action against "cheapfakes", which are low-tech edits meant to deceive other users. And what example is immediately brought up in CNBC's article? One video where a Twitter user simply slowed down a video of Nancy Pelosi:


The doctored video of Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that circulated on social media last year, for example, would be an example of such amateur editing, since the video was simply slowed down to give the effect that her speech was slow and slurred. More sophisticated deepfakes can involve transposing a person’s face on a video of another person, for example, which could give false impressions of a person’s words or actions.


So we guess we won't be seeing any videos of her tearing up the State of the Union Speech in slow motion.

Anonymous ID: 9881c1 Feb. 5, 2020, 6:45 p.m. No.8044061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4120 >>4187

Iowa County Caucus Chairman Accuses State of MISREPORTING NUMBERS – SCREWING BERNIE! …Totals Still Not Released- 48 Hours After Vote


Iowa County Caucus Chairman Accuses State of MISREPORTING NUMBERS – SCREWING BERNIE! …Totals Still Not Released- 48 Hours After Vote

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft February 5, 2020 132 Comments


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Iowa Democrat Caucus Chairmen accused the State Democrat Party leaders of fudging their county results.


Black Hawk County Chairman James Payne accused the Iowa Democrat Party leaders of misreporting his county’s results.

Anonymous ID: 9881c1 Feb. 5, 2020, 6:56 p.m. No.8044215   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Now that's funny