Anonymous ID: c570d5 Feb. 5, 2020, 6:43 p.m. No.8044042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4115

Ok anons what’s going on today Cuomo and Tapper praising SOTU speech, Trumps probably right the entire MSM will be supporting him In re-election. Shocking really, they can’t be waking up right


—CNN’s Chris Cuomo: State Of The Union Address ‘Celebrated What The Country Is About__


CNN host Chris Cuomo praised President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night, saying Trump “celebrated what the country is about.”


“Those were some really poignant moments. I don’t know if you saw them, but you should go online and look,” he said. “The president in that speech tonight celebrated what the country is about from one set of moments, our diversity, how we overcome, how we come together. Is that what he’s really about and something for them to use as a sword and shield? I don’t know. Here’s one thing I know. This country is not just a sum of the actions of its politicians.”


CNN’s Jake Tapper: Trump’s SOTU Had ‘Lovely’ Moments; ‘Never Seen Anything’ like It


It really was striking for a number of reasons, Wolf. One of these, while we are used to since the days of Ronald Reagan, a president going to the people in the first lady’s box to illustrate some sort of policy point or some sort of American note, whether it’s honor troops or talking about education, we’ve never seen … a scholarship given, which is what the president did with the young girl from Philadelphia. We’ve seen the type of thing where a war hero like Tuskegee Airman Gen. McGee. That was a lovely moment. To have a 100-year-old Tuskegee Airman there with his grandson, who wants to be in the Space Force. President Trump telling a little girl that she’s going to get a scholarship, President Trump announcing that there is a solider coming home and reuniting with his wife and children, we’ve never seen anything like that before.