Anonymous ID: cd204e Feb. 5, 2020, 6:10 p.m. No.8043567   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Ask …..WHY Mitt Romney ?


Mystery Babylon - Hour 30


" Investigative reporter Jeffrey Kaye concluded, "The Mormon Church, this American Zion, wields more economic power more effectively than the state of Israel or the Pope in Rome."

Actually, [dear listeners,] the word church is misleading when applied to Mormondom, for the power structure controlling its staggering resources is organized for the kind of absolute authoritarianism that one usually associates with a cult and not with a responsible church. Nor are the ultimate goals of The Brethren compatible with the normal aims of Christian leaders. [William Cooper: In fact, in no way, shape or form can the Mormon church be called, "Christian."[


In an interrogatory exchange, the surprising response by the Mormon church revealed that it was an unincorporated association without assets! [William Cooper: Let me repeat that…without assets!] All wealth and power is owned and controlled by the closely held Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day 287 Saints, Inc..


[You see, folks,] church members who have faithfully and sacrificially contributed their tithes, time, and energy are [absolutely] powerless to demand an accounting or to change a single action by the First Presidency, even if all [5.2] million of them stood up in unison and "voted" unanimously for it. '


'[William Cooper: The United Order is, in reality, the total makeup of the full body of the Illuminati. All of the different organizations will come together to rule the world. There is a doctrine, an ancient pagan doctrine of blood atonement connected to the Mormon church.]

Anonymous ID: cd204e Feb. 5, 2020, 6:24 p.m. No.8043786   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MORMON ' church ' is a branch of ILLUMINATI


M.B. - Hour 30 ( Bill Cooper )


"We're gonna have perfect government, but (applause) perfect government is coming soon, and I'm looking forward to it."


What you have just heard, ladies and gentlemen, is the age-old dream of Mystery Babylon, the Secret Societies, Freemasonry, the Knights Templar, the Knights of Malta, the Ancient Order of the Rose and Cross. The age-old dream of a perfect government, permanent Utopia upon this Earth. What is Lt. Colonel James "Bo" Gritz talking about, this 32nd degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite and member of the branch of Mystery Babylon known as the Mormon Church? What is he talking about? Ladies and gentlemen, that's the subject of tonight's broadcast. It is known as the Secret Kingdom.


[Reading from The Godmakers, written by Ed Decker and Dave Hunt]:

Anonymous ID: cd204e Feb. 5, 2020, 6:34 p.m. No.8043926   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WHY Mitt Romney is the hoax point man.


" This may at least partially explain the reported close tie between the Mormon church and the CIA. A disproportionate number of Mormons arrive at the higher levels of the CIA, FBI, military intelligence, armed forces and all levels of city, state and federal governments, including the Senate, Congress, Cabinet and White House Staff. Sincere and loyal citizens, most of them may be unaware of the secret ambition of The Brethren. What could be better than having such patriots as these serving in strategic areas of government and national security? Unfortunately, [dear listeners,] as we have noticed in every other area of Mormonism, the real truth lies hidden beneath the seemingly ideal image of patriotism presented by Mormons in public

Anonymous ID: cd204e Feb. 5, 2020, 6:43 p.m. No.8044040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4065

Is Mittens Romney a C_A a' asset ' , or just a cabal member and tool ?


" Mystery Babylon # 30


[William Cooper: Make no mind that the L.A. Times is mostly owned by the Mormon church.]

'' This may explain why such a high proportion of Mormons find their way into government. Returned LDS missionaries have "the three qualities the [Central Intelligence Agency] wants: foreign language ability, training in a foreign country and former residence in a foreign country." Utah (and particularly [Brigham Young University]) is one of the prime recruiting areas for the [Central Intelligence Agency]. According to [Brigham Young University's] spokesman Dr. Gary Williams, "We've never had any trouble placing anyone who has applied to the [Central Intelligence Agency]. Every year they take almost anybody who applies." He also admitted that this has created problems with a number of foreign countries, who have complained about the "pretty good dose of [Mormon] missionaries who have gone back to the countries they were in as Central Intelligence agents."

Anonymous ID: cd204e Feb. 5, 2020, 6:57 p.m. No.8044226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4257


In the symbology of the temples of Freemasonry, the Mormon church and all along the highways in the state of Utah, you can see one of the most common symbols of that secret organization which we know, collectively, as the Illuminati. Ladies and gentleman, that is the beehive.


Good night, and God bless you all. ( William Cooper )